[internet-explorer] IE11 Document mode defaults to IE7. How to reset?

My Internet Explorer 11 on my Windows 8.1 Surface tablet defaults to document mode 7, causing a lot of websites to render wrongly.

When I open the Developer tools, it states that it defaults to document mode 7 because of Intranet-compatibility settings.

However, I haven't changed these settings manually and I'm browsing Internetpages!

I tried to reset the Internet Explorer settings without any luck.

Any ideas?

The answer is

If you are a developer, this is what you need to do:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

Thanks to all the investigations of Lance, I could find a solution to my problem. It possibly had to do with my ISP.

To summarize:

  • Internet sites were displayed in the Intranet zone
  • Because of that the document mode was defaulted to 5 or 7 instead of Edge

I unchecked the "Automatically detect settings" in the Local Area Network Settings (found in "Internet Options" > Connections > LAN Settings.

Now the sites are correctly marked as Internet sites (instead of Intranet sites).

If the problem is happening on a specific computer,then please try the following fix provided you have Internet Explorer 11.

Please open regedit.exe as an Administrator. Navigate to the following path/paths:

  1. For 32 bit machine:

  2. For 64 bit machine:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION & 
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION

And delete the REG_DWORD value iexplore.exe.

Please close and relaunch the website using Internet Explorer 11, it will default to Edge as Document Mode.

By default, IE displays webpages in the Intranet zone in compatibility view. To change this:

  • Press Alt to display the IE menu.
  • Choose Tools | Compatibility View settings
  • Remove the checkmark next to Display intranet sites in Compatibility View.
  • Choose Close.

At this point, IE should rely on the webpage itself (or any relevant group policies) to determine the compatibility settings for your Intranet webpages.

Note that certain sites may no longer function correctly after making this change. You can use the same dialog box to add specific sites to enable compatibility view when needed.

For the website ensure that IIS HTTP response headers setting and add new key X-UA-Compatible pointing to "IE=edge"

Click here for more details

If you have access to the server, the most reliable way of doing this is to do it on the server itself, in IIS. Go in to IIS HTTP Response Headers. Add Name: X-UA-Compatible Value: IE=edge This will override your browser and your code.

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