[javascript] Karma: Running a single test file from command line

So, I've been looking all over for this, found "similar" answers here, but not exactly what I want.

Right now if I want to test a single file with karma, I need to do fit(), fdescribe() on the file in question...

However, what I do want is to be able to just call karma, with the config file, and direct it to a specific file, so I don't need to modify the file at all, ie:

karma run --conf karma.conf.js --file /path/to/specific/test_file.js

is it possible to do this? Or with any helper? (using grunt or gulp?)

This question is related to javascript gruntjs gulp karma-runner karma-jasmine

The answer is

First you need to start karma server with

karma start

Then, you can use grep to filter a specific test or describe block:

karma run -- --grep=testDescriptionFilter

This option is no longer supported in recent versions of karma:

see https://github.com/karma-runner/karma/issues/1731#issuecomment-174227054

The files array can be redefined using the CLI as such:

karma start --files=Array("test/Spec/services/myServiceSpec.js")

or escaped:

karma start --files=Array\(\"test/Spec/services/myServiceSpec.js\"\)


Even though --files is no longer supported, you can use an env variable to provide a list of files:

// karma.conf.js
function getSpecs(specList) {
  if (specList) {
    return specList.split(',')
  } else {
    return ['**/*_spec.js'] // whatever your default glob is

module.exports = function(config) {
    files: ['app.js'].concat(getSpecs(process.env.KARMA_SPECS))

Then in CLI:

$ env KARMA_SPECS="spec1.js,spec2.js" karma start karma.conf.js --single-run

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