[ios] What's the difference between the atomic and nonatomic attributes?

  • -Atomic means only one thread access the variable(static type).
  • -Atomic is thread safe.
  • -but it is slow in performance

How to declare:

As atomic is default so,

@property (retain) NSString *name;

AND in implementation file

self.name = @"sourov";

Suppose a task related to three properties are

 @property (retain) NSString *name;
 @property (retain) NSString *A;
 @property (retain) NSString *B;
 self.name = @"sourov";

All properties work parallelly (like asynchronously).

If you call "name" from thread A,


At the same time if you call

[self setName:@"Datta"]

from thread B,

Now If *name property is nonatomic then

  • It will return value "Datta" for A
  • It will return value "Datta" for B

Thats why non atomic is called thread unsafe But but it is fast in performance because of parallel execution

Now If *name property is atomic

  • It will ensure value "Sourov" for A
  • Then It will return value "Datta" for B

That's why atomic is called thread Safe and That's why it is called read-write safe

Such situation operation will perform serially. And Slow in performance

- Nonatomic means multiple thread access the variable(dynamic type).

- Nonatomic is thread unsafe.

- but it is fast in performance

-Nonatomic is NOT default behavior, we need to add nonatomic keyword in property attribute.

For In Swift Confirming that Swift properties are nonatomic in the ObjC sense. One reason is so you think about whether per-property atomicity is sufficient for your needs.

Reference: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/25642

Fro more info please visit the website http://rdcworld-iphone.blogspot.in/2012/12/variable-property-attributes-or.html

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What's the difference between the atomic and nonatomic attributes?