[sql] How do I use select with date condition?

In sqlserver, how do I compare dates? For example:

Select * from Users where RegistrationDate >= '1/20/2009'

(RegistrationDate is datetime type)


This question is related to sql sql-server

The answer is

Select * from Users where RegistrationDate >= CONVERT(datetime, '01/20/2009', 103)

is safe to use, independent of the date settings on the server.

The full list of styles can be found here.

Another feature is between:

Select * from table where date between '2009/01/30' and '2009/03/30'

if you do not want to be bothered by the date format, you could compare the column with the general date format, for example

select * From table where cast (RegistrationDate as date) between '20161201' and '20161220'

make sure the date is in DATE format, otherwise cast (col as DATE)

select sysdate from dual

select count(1) from masterdata where to_date(inactive_from_date,'DD-MON-YY'
between '01-JAN-16' to '31-DEC-16'

12998 rows

If you put in

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE RegistrationDate >= '1/20/2009' 

it will automatically convert the string '1/20/2009' into the DateTime format for a date of 1/20/2009 00:00:00. So by using >= you should get every user whose registration date is 1/20/2009 or more recent.

Edit: I put this in the comment section but I should probably link it here as well. This is an article detailing some more in depth ways of working with DateTime's in you queries: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/2209321/Working-with-SQL-Server-DateTime-Variables-Part-Three---Searching-for-Particular-Date-Values-and-Ranges.htm

I always get the filter date into a datetime, with no time (time= 00:00:00.000)

DECLARE @FilterDate  datetime --final destination, will not have any time on it
DECLARE @GivenDateD  datetime --if you're given a datetime
DECLARE @GivenDateS  char(23) --if you're given a string, it can be any valid date format, not just the yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.mmm that I'm using

SET @GivenDateD='2009/03/30 13:42:50.123'
SET @GivenDateS='2009/03/30 13:42:50.123'

--remove the time and assign it to the datetime
@FilterDate=dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @FilterDateD), 0)
@FilterDate=dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @FilterDateS), 0)

You can use this WHERE clause to then filter:

WHERE ColumnDateTime>=@FilterDate AND ColumnDateTime<@FilterDate+1

this will give all matches that are on or after the beginning of the day on 2009/03/30 up to and including the complete day on 2009/03/30

you can do the same for START and END filter parameters as well. Always make the start date a datetime and use zero time on the day you want, and make the condition ">=". Always make the end date the zero time on the day after you want and use "<". Doing that, you will always include any dates properly, regardless of the time portion of the date.