Here are two ways to achieve it. First, the shorter (and probably better) way:
public static String formatFloatToString(final float f)
final int i = (int)f;
if(f == i)
return Integer.toString(i);
return Float.toString(f);
And here's the longer and probably worse way:
public static String formatFloatToString(final float f)
final String s = Float.toString(f);
int dotPos = -1;
for(int i=0; i<s.length(); ++i)
if(s.charAt(i) == '.')
dotPos = i;
if(dotPos == -1)
return s;
int end = dotPos;
for(int i = dotPos + 1; i<s.length(); ++i)
final char c = s.charAt(i);
if(c != '0')
end = i + 1;
final String result = s.substring(0, end);
return result;