[java] When do Java generics require <? extends T> instead of <T> and is there any downside of switching?

It boils down to:

Class<? extends Serializable> c1 = null;
Class<java.util.Date> d1 = null;
c1 = d1; // compiles
d1 = c1; // wont compile - would require cast to Date

You can see the Class reference c1 could contain a Long instance (since the underlying object at a given time could have been List<Long>), but obviously cannot be cast to a Date since there is no guarantee that the "unknown" class was Date. It is not typsesafe, so the compiler disallows it.

However, if we introduce some other object, say List (in your example this object is Matcher), then the following becomes true:

List<Class<? extends Serializable>> l1 = null;
List<Class<java.util.Date>> l2 = null;
l1 = l2; // wont compile
l2 = l1; // wont compile

...However, if the type of the List becomes ? extends T instead of T....

List<? extends Class<? extends Serializable>> l1 = null;
List<? extends Class<java.util.Date>> l2 = null;
l1 = l2; // compiles
l2 = l1; // won't compile

I think by changing Matcher<T> to Matcher<? extends T>, you are basically introducing the scenario similar to assigning l1 = l2;

It's still very confusing having nested wildcards, but hopefully that makes sense as to why it helps to understand generics by looking at how you can assign generic references to each other. It's also further confusing since the compiler is inferring the type of T when you make the function call (you are not explicitly telling it was T is).

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