[ruby-on-rails] Undo scaffolding in Rails

Case 1: If you run only this command to generate scaffold -

rails generate scaffold MODEL_NAME FIELD_NAME:DATATYPE

Ex - rails generate scaffold User name:string address:text

but till now you did not run any command for migration like

rake db:migrate

then you should need to run only this command like -

rails destroy scaffold User name:string address:text

Case 2: If you already run(Scaffold and Migration) by below commands like -

rails generate scaffold User name:string address:text

rake db:migrate 

Then you should need to run first rollback migration command then destroy scaffold like below -

rake db:rollback

rails destroy scaffold User name:string address:text

So In this manner, we can undo scaffolding. Also we can use d for destroy and g for generate as a shortcut.