If you read JavaScript The Good Parts, you'll see that Crockford's replacement for i++ in a for loop is i+=1 (not i=i+1). That's pretty clean and readable, and is less likely to morph into something "tricky."
Crockford made disallowing autoincrement and autodecrement an option in jsLint. You choose whether to follow the advice or not.
My own personal rule is to not do anything combined with autoincrement or autodecrement.
I've learned from years of experience in C that I don't get buffer overruns (or array index out of bounds) if I keep use of it simple. But I've discovered that I do get buffer overruns if I fall into the "excessively tricky" practice of doing other things in the same statement.
So, for my own rules, the use of i++ as the increment in a for loop is fine.