There are problems with all of the implementations given here. Some don't work properly with textareas and submit buttons, most don't allow you to use shift to go backwards, none of them use tabindexes if you have them, and none of them wrap around from the last to the first or the first to the last.
To have the [enter] key act like the [tab] key but still work properly with text areas and submit buttons use the following code. In addition this code allows you to use the shift key to go backwards and the tabbing wraps around front to back and back to front.
Source code:
mbsd_sane_enter_key = ->
input_types = "input, select, button, textarea"
$("body").on "keydown", input_types, (e) ->
enter_key = 13
tab_key = 9
if e.keyCode in [tab_key, enter_key]
self = $(this)
# some controls should just press enter when pressing enter
if e.keyCode == enter_key and (self.prop('type') in ["submit", "textarea"])
return true
form = self.parents('form:eq(0)')
# Sort by tab indexes if they exist
tab_index = parseInt(self.attr('tabindex'))
if tab_index
input_array = form.find("[tabindex]").filter(':visible').sort((a,b) ->
parseInt($(a).attr('tabindex')) - parseInt($(b).attr('tabindex'))
input_array = form.find(input_types).filter(':visible')
# reverse the direction if using shift
move_direction = if e.shiftKey then -1 else 1
new_index = input_array.index(this) + move_direction
# wrap around the controls
if new_index == input_array.length
new_index = 0
else if new_index == -1
new_index = input_array.length - 1
move_to = input_array.eq(new_index)
$(window).on 'ready page:load', ->
var mbsd_sane_enter_key = function() {
var input_types;
input_types = "input, select, button, textarea";
return $("body").on("keydown", input_types, function(e) {
var enter_key, form, input_array, move_direction, move_to, new_index, self, tab_index, tab_key;
enter_key = 13;
tab_key = 9;
if (e.keyCode === tab_key || e.keyCode === enter_key) {
self = $(this);
// some controls should react as designed when pressing enter
if (e.keyCode === enter_key && (self.prop('type') === "submit" || self.prop('type') === "textarea")) {
return true;
form = self.parents('form:eq(0)');
// Sort by tab indexes if they exist
tab_index = parseInt(self.attr('tabindex'));
if (tab_index) {
input_array = form.find("[tabindex]").filter(':visible').sort(function(a, b) {
return parseInt($(a).attr('tabindex')) - parseInt($(b).attr('tabindex'));
} else {
input_array = form.find(input_types).filter(':visible');
// reverse the direction if using shift
move_direction = e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1;
new_index = input_array.index(this) + move_direction;
// wrap around the controls
if (new_index === input_array.length) {
new_index = 0;
} else if (new_index === -1) {
new_index = input_array.length - 1;
move_to = input_array.eq(new_index);
return false;
$(window).on('ready page:load', function() {