I've devised the below demo using a mix of tricks which allows simulating if/else
scenarios for some properties. Any property which is numerical in its essence is easy target for this method, but properties with text values are.
This code has 3 if/else
scenarios, for opacity
, background color
& width
. All 3 are governed by two Boolean variables bool
and its opposite notBool
Those two Booleans are the key to this method, and to achieve a Boolean out of a none-boolean dynamic value, requires some math which luckily CSS allows using min
& max
Obviously those functions (min/max) are supported in recent browsers' versions which also supports CSS custom properties (variables).
var elm = document.querySelector('div')
elm.style.setProperty('--width', Math.round(Math.random()*80 + 20))
}, 1000)
--color1: lightgreen;
--color2: salmon;
--width: 70; /* starting value, randomly changed by javascript every 1 second */
--widthThreshold: 50;
--is-width-above-limit: Min(1, Max(var(--width) - var(--widthThreshold), 0));
--is-width-below-limit: calc(1 - var(--is-width-above-limit));
--opacity-wide: .4; /* if width is ABOVE 50 */
--radius-narrow: 10px; /* if width is BELOW 50 */
--radius-wide: 60px; /* if width is ABOVE 50 */
--height-narrow: 80px; /* if width is ABOVE 50 */
--height-wide: 160px; /* if width is ABOVE 50 */
--radiusToggle: Max(var(--radius-narrow), var(--radius-wide) * var(--is-width-above-limit));
--opacityToggle: calc(calc(1 + var(--opacity-wide)) - var(--is-width-above-limit));
--colorsToggle: var(--color1) calc(100% * var(--is-width-above-limit)),
var(--color2) calc(100% * var(--is-width-above-limit)),
var(--color2) calc(100% * (1 - var(--is-width-above-limit)));
--height: Max(var(--height-wide) * var(--is-width-above-limit), var(--height-narrow));
height: var(--height);
text-align: center;
line-height: var(--height);
width: calc(var(--width) * 1%);
opacity: var(--opacityToggle);
border-radius: var(--radiusToggle);
background: linear-gradient(var(--colorsToggle));
transition: .3s;
/* prints some variables */
counter-reset: aa var(--width);
content: counter(aa)"%";
counter-reset: bb var(--is-width-above-limit);
content: " is over 50% ? "counter(bb);
:label{ --width: 150 }
input:checked + div{ --width: 400 }
--isWide: Clamp(0, (var(--width) - 150) * 99999 , 1);
width: calc(var(--width) * 1px);
height: 150px;
border-radius: calc(var(--isWide) * 20px); /* if wide - add radius */
background: lightgreen;
<input type='checkbox' hidden>
<div>Click to toggle width</div>
I have come up with a totally unique method, which is even simpler!
This method is so cool because it is so easy to implement and also to understand. it is based on animation
Since bool
can be easily calculated as either 0
or 1
, this value can be used in the step
! if only a single step is defined, then the if/else
problem is solved.
Using the keyword forwards
persist the changes.
var elm = document.querySelector('div')
elm.style.setProperty('--width', Math.round(Math.random()*80 + 20))
}, 1000)
--color1: salmon;
--color2: lightgreen;
@keyframes if-over-threshold--container{
--height: 160px;
--radius: 30px;
--color: var(--color2);
opacity: .4; /* consider this as additional, never-before, style */
@keyframes if-over-threshold--after{
content: "true";
color: green;
--width: 70; /* must be unitless */
--height: 80px;
--radius: 10px;
--color: var(--color1);
--widthThreshold: 50;
--is-width-over-threshold: Min(1, Max(var(--width) - var(--widthThreshold), 0));
text-align: center;
white-space: nowrap;
transition: .3s;
/* if element is narrower than --widthThreshold */
width: calc(var(--width) * 1%);
height: var(--height);
line-height: var(--height);
border-radius: var(--radius);
background: var(--color);
/* else */
animation: if-over-threshold--container forwards steps(var(--is-width-over-threshold));
/* prints some variables */
counter-reset: aa var(--width);
content: counter(aa)"% is over 50% width ? ";
content: 'false';
font-weight: bold;
color: darkred;
/* if element is wider than --widthThreshold */
animation: if-over-threshold--after forwards steps(var(--is-width-over-threshold)) ;
I've found a Chrome bug which I have reported that can affect this method in some situations where specific type of calculations is necessary, but there's a way around it.