[scala] Is the Scala 2.8 collections library a case of "the longest suicide note in history"?

Unfortunately the signature for map that you gave is an incorrect one for map and there is indeed legitimate criticism.

The first criticism is that by subverting the signature for map, we have something that is more general. It is a common error to believe that this is a virtue by default. It isn't. The map function is very well defined as a covariant functor Fx -> (x -> y) -> Fy with adherence to the two laws of composition and identity. Anything else attributed to "map" is a travesty.

The given signature is something else, but it is not map. What I suspect it is trying to be is a specialised and slightly altered version of the "traverse" signature from the paper, The Essence of the Iterator Pattern. Here is its signature:

traverse :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)

I shall convert it to Scala:

def traverse[A, B](f: A => F[B], a: T[A])(implicit t: Traversable[T], ap: Applicative[F]): F[T[B]

Of course it fails -- it is not general enough! Also, it is slightly different (note that you can get map by running traverse through the Identity functor). However, I suspect that if the library writers were more aware of library generalisations that are well documented (Applicative Programming with Effects precedes the aforementioned), then we wouldn't see this error.

Second, the map function is a special-case in Scala because of its use in for-comprehensions. This unfortunately means that a library designer who is better equipped cannot ignore this error without also sacrificing the syntactic sugar of comprehensions. In other words, if the Scala library designers were to destroy a method, then this is easily ignored, but please not map!

I hope someone speaks up about it, because as it is, it will become harder to workaround the errors that Scala insists on making, apparently for reasons that I have strong objections to. That is, the solution to "the irresponsible objections from the average programmer (i.e. too hard!)" is not "appease them to make it easier for them" but instead, provide pointers and assistance to become better programmers. Myself and Scala's objectives are in contention on this issue, but back to your point.

You were probably making your point, predicting specific responses from "the average programmer." That is, the people who will claim "but it is too complicated!" or some such. These are the Yegges or Blochs that you refer to. My response to these people of the anti-intellectualism/pragmatism movement is quite harsh and I'm already anticipating a barrage of responses, so I will omit it.

I truly hope the Scala libraries improve, or at least, the errors can be safely tucked away in a corner. Java is a language where "trying to do anything useful" is so incredibly costly, that it is often not worth it because the overwhelming amount of errors simply cannot be avoided. I implore Scala to not go down the same path.