[java] Maven: add a dependency to a jar by relative path

I have a proprietary jar that I want to add to my pom as a dependency.

But I don't want to add it to a repository. The reason is that I want my usual maven commands such as mvn compile, etc, to work out of the box. (Without demanding from the developers a to add it to some repository by themselves).

I want the jar to be in a 3rdparty lib in source control, and link to it by relative path from the pom.xml file.

Can this be done? How?

This question is related to java maven-2 build-process build dependencies

The answer is

I've previously written about a pattern for doing this.

It is very similar to the solution proposed by Pascal, though it moves all such dependencies into a dedicated repository module so that you don't have to repeat it everywhere the dependency is used if it is a multi-module build.

This is another method in addition to my previous answer at Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them?

This will get around the limit when using multi-module builds especially if the downloaded JAR is referenced in child projects outside of the parent. This also reduces the setup work by creating the POM and the SHA1 files as part of the build. It also allows the file to reside anywhere in the project without fixing the names or following the maven repository structure.

This uses the maven-install-plugin. For this to work, you need to set up a multi-module project and have a new project representing the build to install files into the local repository and ensure that one is first.

You multi-module project pom.xml would look like this:

<!-- The repository module must be first in order to ensure
     that the local repository is populated -->
    <module>... other modules ...</module>

The repository/pom.xml file will then contain the definitions to load up the JARs that are part of your project. The following are some snippets of the pom.xml file.


The pom packaging prevents this from doing any tests or compile or generating any jar file. The meat of the pom.xml is in the build section where the maven-install-plugin is used.


To install more than one file, just add more executions.

This is working for me: Let's say I have this dependency


Then, add the class-path for your system dependency manually like this


Full config:

                <Specification-Title>${project.name} Library</Specification-Title>

One small addition to the solution posted by Pascal

When I followed this route, I got an error in maven while installing ojdbc jar.

[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.1:install-file (default-cli) @ validator ---
[INFO] pom.xml not found in ojdbc14.jar

After adding -DpomFile, the problem was resolved.

$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./lib/ojdbc14.jar -DgroupId=ojdbc \
   -DartifactId=ojdbc -Dversion=14 -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=./repo \

You can use eclipse to generate a runnable Jar : Export/Runable Jar file

Basically, add this to the pom.xml:





Using the system scope. ${basedir} is the directory of your pom.


However it is advisable that you install your jar in the repository, and not commit it to the SCM - after all that's what maven tries to eliminate.

we switched to gradle and this works much better in gradle ;). we just specify a folder we can drop jars into for temporary situations like that. We still have most of our jars defined i the typicaly dependency management section(ie. the same as maven). This is just one more dependency we define.

so basically now we can just drop any jar we want into our lib dir for temporary testing if it is not a in maven repository somewhere.

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