[html] HTML button calling an MVC Controller and Action method

I know this isn't right, but for the sake of illustration I'd like to do something like this:

<%= Html.Button("Action", "Controller") %>

My goal is to make an HTML button that will call my MVC controller's action method.

This question is related to html asp.net-mvc

The answer is

You can use Url.Action to specify generate the url to a controller action, so you could use either of the following:

<form method="post" action="<%: Url.Action("About", "Home") %>">
   <input type="submit" value="Click me to go to /Home/About" />


<form action="#">
  <input type="submit" onclick="parent.location='<%: Url.Action("About", "Home") %>';return false;" value="Click me to go to /Home/About" />
  <input type="submit" onclick="parent.location='<%: Url.Action("Register", "Account") %>';return false;" value="Click me to go to /Account/Register" />

it's better use this example.

Call action and controller using a ActionLink:

@Html.ActionLink("Submit", "Action", "Controller", route, new { @class = "btn btn-block"})

Try this:

@Html.ActionLink("DisplayText", "Action", "Controller", route, attribute)

This should work for you.

it's better use this example

<a href="@Url.Action("Register","Account", new {id=Item.id })"_x000D_
class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Register</a>

Use this example :

<button name="nameButton" id="idButton" title="your title" class="btn btn-secondary" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action( "Index","Controller" new {  id = Item.id })';return false;">valueButton</button>

When you implement the action in the controller, use

return View("Index");


return RedirectToAction("Index");

where Index.cshtml (or the page that generates the action) page is already defined. Otherwise you are likely encountering "the view or its master was not found..." error.

Source: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/aspnetue/2010/09/17/best-practices-for-asp-net-mvc/

OK, you basically need to pass the action to the button and call it when click happens, it doesn't need to be inside a from, you can use HTML onclick on button to trigger it when the button get clicked...

<button id="my-button" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("YourActionName", "YourControllerName")'">Submit</button>

So, I'm using Razor but this will work using either. I'm basically wrapping a button in a link.

<a href="Controller/ActionMethod">
    <input type="button" value="Click Me" />

<button type="button" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController")'" />

type="button" prevents page from submitting. instead it performs your action.

You can always play around with htmlHelpers and build some stuff

    public static IHtmlContent BtnWithAction(this IHtmlHelper htmlHelper, string id, string text, string css="", string action="", string controller="")
            string str = $"<button id=\"{id}\" class=\"{css}\" type=\"button\" ###>{text}</button>";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(controller))
                string url = ((TagBuilder)htmlHelper.ActionLink("dummy", action, controller)).Attributes["href"];
                var click = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) ? $"onclick=\"location.href='{url}'\"" : string.Empty;
                return new HtmlString(str.Replace("###", click));
            return new HtmlString(str.Replace("###", string.Empty));
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log.Error(ex, ex.Message);
            var fkup = "<script>alert(\"assumption is the mother of all failures\")</script>";
            return new HtmlString(fkup);

And then on the view call it like this

@Html.BtnWithAction("btnCaretakerBack", "Back", "btn btn-primary float-right", "Index", "Caretakers")

Despite onclick Method you can also use formaction as follows:

<button type="submit" id="button1" name="button1" formaction='@Url.Action("Action", "Controller")'>Save</button>

The HTML <button> element can only postback to the form containing it.

Therefore, you need to make a form that POSTs to the action, then put a <button> or <input type="submit" /> in the form.

If you are in home page ("/Home/Index") and you would like to call Index action of Admin controller, following would work for you.

<li><a href="/Admin/Index">Admin</a></li>

Of all the suggestions, nobdy used the razor syntax (this is with bootstrap styles as well). This will make a button that redirects to the Login view in the Account controller:

        <button class="btn btn-primary" asp-action="Login" asp- 

In case if you are getting an error as "unterminated string constant", use the following razor syntax :

<input type="button" onclick="@("location.href='"+ Url.Action("Index","Test")+ "'")" />

Razor syntax is here:

<input type="button" value="Create" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("Create", "User")'" />

Building on couple of the above answers, you could do this:

<button onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")'" />

This is how you can submit your form to a specific controller and action method in Razor.

 <input type="submit" value="Upload" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")'" />