[javascript] Remove querystring from URL

What is an easy way to remove the querystring from a Path in Javascript? I have seen a plugin for Jquery that uses window.location.search. I can not do that: The URL in my case is a variable that is set from AJAX.

var testURL = '/Products/List?SortDirection=dsc&Sort=price&Page=3&Page2=3&SortOrder=dsc'

This question is related to javascript jquery

The answer is

If you need to perform complex operation on URL, you can take a look to the jQuery url parser plugin.

An approach using the standard URL:

 * @param {string} path - A path starting with "/"
 * @return {string}
function getPathname(path) {
  return new URL(`http://_${path}`).pathname

getPathname('/foo/bar?cat=5') // /foo/bar

This may be an old question but I have tried this method to remove query params. Seems to work smoothly for me as I needed a reload as well combined with removing of query params.

window.location.href = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;

Also since I am using simple string addition operation I am guessing the performance will be good. But Still worth comparing with snippets in this answer

var path = "path/to/myfile.png?foo=bar#hash";

    path.replace(/(\?.*)|(#.*)/g, "")

If using backbone.js (which contains url anchor as route), url query string may appear:

  1. before url anchor:

    var url = 'http://example.com?a=1&b=3#routepath/subpath';
  2. after url anchor:

    var url = 'http://example.com#routepath/subpath?a=1&b=3';


window.location.href.replace(window.location.search, '');
// run as: 'http://example.com#routepath/subpath?a=1&b=3'.replace('?a=1&b=3', '');

2nd Update: In attempt to provide a comprehensive answer, I am benchmarking the three methods proposed in the various answers.

var testURL = '/Products/List?SortDirection=dsc&Sort=price&Page=3&Page2=3';
var i;

// Testing the substring method
i = 0;
console.time('10k substring');
while (i < 10000) {
    testURL.substring(0, testURL.indexOf('?'));
console.timeEnd('10k substring');

// Testing the split method
i = 0;
console.time('10k split');
while (i < 10000) {
console.timeEnd('10k split');

// Testing the RegEx method
i = 0;
var re = new RegExp("[^?]+");
console.time('10k regex');
while (i < 10000) {
console.timeEnd('10k regex');

Results in Firefox 3.5.8 on Mac OS X 10.6.2:

10k substring:  16ms
10k split:      25ms
10k regex:      44ms

Results in Chrome 5.0.307.11 on Mac OS X 10.6.2:

10k substring:  14ms
10k split:      20ms
10k regex:      15ms

Note that the substring method is inferior in functionality as it returns a blank string if the URL does not contain a querystring. The other two methods would return the full URL, as expected. However it is interesting to note that the substring method is the fastest, especially in Firefox.

1st UPDATE: Actually the split() method suggested by Robusto is a better solution that the one I suggested earlier, since it will work even when there is no querystring:

var testURL = '/Products/List?SortDirection=dsc&Sort=price&Page=3&Page2=3';
testURL.split('?')[0];    // Returns: "/Products/List"

var testURL2 = '/Products/List';
testURL2.split('?')[0];    // Returns: "/Products/List"

Original Answer:

var testURL = '/Products/List?SortDirection=dsc&Sort=price&Page=3&Page2=3';
testURL.substring(0, testURL.indexOf('?'));    // Returns: "/Products/List"

If you're into RegEx....

var newURL = testURL.match(new RegExp("[^?]+"))

A simple way is you can do as follows

public static String stripQueryStringAndHashFromPath(String uri) {
 return uri.replaceAll(("(\\?.*|\\#.*)"), "");

(() => {
        'use strict';
        const needle = 'SortOrder|Page'; // example
        if ( needle === '' || needle === '{{1}}' ) { 
        const needles = needle.split(/\s*\|\s*/);
        const querystripper = ev => {
                    if (ev) { window.removeEventListener(ev.type, querystripper, true);}
                    try {
                          const url = new URL(location.href);
                          const params = new URLSearchParams(url.search.slice(1));
                          for (const needleremover of needles) {
                                if (params.has(needleremover)) {
                                    window.location.href = url;
                    } catch (ex) { }
        if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
                 window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', querystripper, true);
        } else {

That's how I did it, also has RegEx support.