[java] How is Java platform-independent when it needs a JVM to run?

well good question but when the source code is changed into intermediate native byte code by a compiler in which it converts the program into the byte code by giving the errors after the whole checking at once (if found) and then the program needs a interpreter which would check the program line by line and directly change it into machine code or object code and each operating system by default cannot have an java interpreter because of some security reasons so you need to have jvm at any cost to run it in that different O.S platform independence as you said here means that the program can be run in any os like unix, mac, linux, windows, etc but this does not mean that each and every os will be able to run the codes without a jvm which saysspecification, implementation, and instance , if i advance then by changing the configuration of your pc so that you can have a class loader that can open even the byte code then also you can execute java byte code, applets, etc. -by nimish :) best of luck