[jquery] How do I check how many options there are in a dropdown menu?

How do I check, using jQuery, how many options are there in a drop down menu?


This question is related to jquery drop-down-menu

The answer is

$('select option').length;


$("select option").size()

alert($('#select_id option').length);


$('#idofdropdown option').length;

That should do it.

Get the number of options in a particular select element

$("#elementid option").length

Use the length property or the size method to find out how many items are in a jQuery collection. Use the descendant selector to select all <option>'s within a <select>.


<select id="myDropDown">


var numberOfOptions = $('select#myDropDown option').length

And a quick note, often you will need to do something in jquery for a very specific thing, but you first need to see if the very specific thing exists. The length property is the perfect tool. example:

   if($('#myDropDown option').length > 0{
      //do your stuff..

This 'translates' to "If item with ID=myDropDown has any descendent 'option' s, go do what you need to do.

Click here to see a previous post about this

Basically just target the ID of the select and do this:

var numberOfOptions = $('#selectId option').length;

With pure javascript you can just call the length on the id of the select box. It will be more faster. Typically with everything native javascript is performing better and better with modern browsers

This can be achieved in javascript by

     var dropdownFilterSite = document.querySelector( '#dropDownId' );  //Similar to jQuery

var length = dropdownFilterSite.length.

Good website for some learning


A good video to watch by Todd Motto


$("#mydropdown option").length

Or if you already got a reference to it,
