[ios] How to check iOS version?

I want to check if the iOS version of the device is greater than 3.1.3 I tried things like:

[[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion floatValue]

but it does not work, I just want a:

if (version > 3.1.3) { }

How can I achieve this?

This question is related to ios objective-c

The answer is

Using the refered recommended way... if there is no definition in the header files, you can always get the versión printing it on console with a device of the desired IOS versión.

- (BOOL) isIOS8OrAbove{
    float version802 = 1140.109985;
    float version8= 1139.100000; // there is no def like NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_1 for ios 8 yet?
    NSLog(@"la version actual es [%f]", NSFoundationVersionNumber);
    if (NSFoundationVersionNumber >= version8){
        return true;
    return false;

All answers look a bit to big. I just use:

if (SYSTEM_VERSION_EQUAL_TO(@"7.0")){(..CODE...)}
if (SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(@"7.0")){(..CODE...)}

Of course replace the @"7.0" with your required OS version.

There are version like 7.0 or 6.0.3, so we can simply convert version into numerics to compare. if version is like 7.0, simply append another ".0" to it and then take its numeric value.

 int version;
 NSString* iosVersion=[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];
 NSArray* components=[iosVersion componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
 if ([components count]==2) {
    iosVersion=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.0",iosVersion];

 iosVersion=[iosVersion stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"." withString:@""];
 version=[iosVersion integerValue];

For 6.0.0

  if (version==600) {
    // Do something

for 7.0

 if (version==700) {
   // Do something

Here is a swift version:

struct iOSVersion {
    static let SYS_VERSION_FLOAT = (UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion as NSString).floatValue
    static let iOS7 = (Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 8.0 && Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 7.0)
    static let iOS8 = (Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 8.0 && Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 9.0)
    static let iOS9 = (Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 9.0 && Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 10.0)


if iOSVersion.iOS8 {
    //Do iOS8 code here

I always keep those in my Constants.h file:

#define IS_IPHONE5 (([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height-568)?NO:YES) 
#define IS_OS_5_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 5.0)
#define IS_OS_6_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 6.0)
#define IS_OS_7_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0)
#define IS_OS_8_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 8.0)

Starting Xcode 9, in Objective-C:

if (@available(iOS 11, *)) {
    // iOS 11 (or newer) ObjC code
} else {
    // iOS 10 or older code

Starting Xcode 7, in Swift:

if #available(iOS 11, *) {
    // iOS 11 (or newer) Swift code
} else {
    // iOS 10 or older code

For the version, you can specify the MAJOR, the MINOR or the PATCH (see http://semver.org/ for definitions). Examples:

  • iOS 11 and iOS 11.0 are the same minimal version
  • iOS 10, iOS 10.3, iOS 10.3.1 are different minimal versions

You can input values for any of those systems:

  • iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS

Real case example taken from one of my pods:

if #available(iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, *) {
    // iOS 10+ and tvOS 10+ Swift code
} else {
    // iOS 9 and tvOS 9 older code


As suggested by the official Apple docs: you can use the NSFoundationVersionNumber, from the NSObjCRuntime.h header file.

if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
    // here you go with iOS 7

if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {
        // Your code here

Where of course, NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1 must be changed to by applicable for the iOS version you want to check. What I have now written will probably be used a lot when testing if a device is running iOS7 or a previous version.

This is used to check for compatible SDK version in Xcode, this is if you have a large team with different versions of Xcode or multiple projects supporting different SDKs that share the same code:

  //programming in iOS 8+ SDK here
  //programming in lower than iOS 8 here   

What you really want is to check the iOS version on the device. You can do that with this:

if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] < 8.0) {
  //older than iOS 8 code here
} else {
  //iOS 8 specific code here

Swift version:

if let version = Float(UIDevice.current.systemVersion), version < 9.3 {
    //add lower than 9.3 code here
} else {
    //add 9.3 and above code here

Current versions of swift should be using this:

if #available(iOS 12, *) {
    //iOS 12 specific code here
} else {
    //older than iOS 12 code here

Swift example that actually works:

switch UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare("8.0.0", options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) {
case .OrderedSame, .OrderedDescending:
    println("iOS >= 8.0")
case .OrderedAscending:
    println("iOS < 8.0")

Don't use NSProcessInfo cause it doesn't work under 8.0, so its pretty much useless until 2016

#define _kisiOS7 ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0)

if (_kisiOS7) {
            NSLog(@"iOS7 or greater")
else {
           NSLog(@"Less than iOS7");

+(BOOL)doesSystemVersionMeetRequirement:(NSString *)minRequirement{

// eg  NSString *reqSysVer = @"4.0";

  NSString *currSysVer = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];

  if ([currSysVer compare:minRequirement options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending)
    return YES;
    return NO;


Add the Swift code below in your project and access information such as iOS version and device easily.

class DeviceInfo: NSObject {

    struct ScreenSize
        static let SCREEN_WIDTH = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
        static let SCREEN_HEIGHT = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height
        static let SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH = max(ScreenSize.SCREEN_WIDTH, ScreenSize.SCREEN_HEIGHT)
        static let SCREEN_MIN_LENGTH = min(ScreenSize.SCREEN_WIDTH, ScreenSize.SCREEN_HEIGHT)

    struct DeviceType
        static let IS_IPHONE_4_OR_LESS =  UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && ScreenSize.SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH < 568.0
        static let IS_IPHONE_5 = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && ScreenSize.SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH == 568.0
        static let IS_IPHONE_6 = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && ScreenSize.SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH >= 667.0
        static let IS_IPHONE_6P = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && ScreenSize.SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH == 736.0
        static let IS_IPHONE_X = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone && ScreenSize.SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH == 812.0
        static let IS_IPAD      = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad && ScreenSize.SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH == 1024.0
        static let IS_IPAD_PRO  = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad && ScreenSize.SCREEN_MAX_LENGTH == 1366.0

    struct VersionType{
        static let SYS_VERSION_FLOAT = (UIDevice.current.systemVersion as NSString).floatValue
        static let iOS7 = (VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 8.0 && VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 7.0)
        static let iOS8 = (VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 8.0 && VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 9.0)
        static let iOS9 = (VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 9.0 && VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 10.0)
        static let iOS10 = (VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 9.0 && VersionType.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 11.0)

I know this is an old question, but someone should have mentioned the compile-time macros in Availability.h. All of the other methods here are runtime solutions, and will not work in a header file, class category, or ivar definition.

For these situations, use

  // iOS 6+ code here
  // Pre iOS 6 code here

h/t this answer

Try the below code:

NSString *versionString = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];

#define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v)  ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending)

Then add a if condition as follows:-

   //Your code

As a variation of yasimturks solution, I defined one function and a few enum values instead of five macros. I find it more elegant, but that's a matter of taste.


if (systemVersion(LessThan, @"5.0")) ...

.h file:

typedef enum {
} Comparison;

BOOL systemVersion(Comparison test, NSString* version);

.m file:

BOOL systemVersion(Comparison test, NSString* version) {
  NSComparisonResult result = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare: version options: NSNumericSearch];
  switch (test) {
    case LessThan:       return result == NSOrderedAscending;
    case LessOrEqual:    return result != NSOrderedDescending;
    case Equal:          return result == NSOrderedSame;
    case GreaterOrEqual: return result != NSOrderedAscending;
    case GreaterThan:    return result == NSOrderedDescending;
    case NotEqual:       return result != NSOrderedSame;

You should add your app's prefix to the names, especially to the Comparison type.

Here is a Swift version of yasirmturk macros. Hope it helps some peoples

// MARK: System versionning

func SYSTEM_VERSION_EQUAL_TO(v: String) -> Bool {
    return UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare(v, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedSame

func SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN(v: String) -> Bool {
    return UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare(v, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending

    return UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare(v, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) != NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending

func SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(v: String) -> Bool {
    return UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare(v, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedAscending

    return UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare(v, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) != NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending


My solution is add a utility method to your utilities class (hint hint) to parse the system version and manually compensate for float number ordering.

Also, this code is rather simple, so I hope it helps some newbies. Simply pass in a target float, and get back a BOOL.

Declare it in your shared class like this:

(+) (BOOL) iOSMeetsOrExceedsVersion:(float)targetVersion;

Call it like this:

BOOL shouldBranch = [SharedClass iOSMeetsOrExceedsVersion:5.0101];

(+) (BOOL) iOSMeetsOrExceedsVersion:(float)targetVersion {

 Note: the incoming targetVersion should use 2 digits for each subVersion --

 example 5.01 for v5.1, 5.11 for v5.11 (aka subversions above 9), 5.0101 for v5.1.1, etc.

// Logic: as a string, system version may have more than 2 segments (example: 5.1.1)
// so, a direct conversion to a float may return an invalid number
// instead, parse each part directly

NSArray *sysVersion = [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
float floatVersion = [[sysVersion objectAtIndex:0] floatValue];
if (sysVersion.count > 1) {
    NSString* subVersion = [sysVersion objectAtIndex:1];
    if (subVersion.length == 1)
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:1] floatValue] *0.01);
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:1] floatValue] *0.10);
if (sysVersion.count > 2) {
    NSString* subVersion = [sysVersion objectAtIndex:2];
    if (subVersion.length == 1)
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:2] floatValue] *0.0001);
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:2] floatValue] *0.0010);

if (floatVersion  >= targetVersion) 
    return TRUE;

// else
return FALSE;

Solution for checking iOS version in Swift

switch (UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare("8.0.0", options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch)) {
    case .OrderedAscending:
       println("iOS < 8.0")

    case .OrderedSame, .OrderedDescending:
       println("iOS >= 8.0")

Con of this solution: it is simply bad practice to check against OS version numbers, whichever way you do it. One should never hard code dependencies in this way, always check for features, capabilities or the existence of a class. Consider this; Apple may release a backwards compatible version of a class, if they did then the code you suggest would never use it as your logic looks for an OS version number and NOT the existence of the class.

(Source of this information)

Solution for checking the class existence in Swift

if (objc_getClass("UIAlertController") == nil) {
   // iOS 7
} else {
   // iOS 8+

Do not use if (NSClassFromString("UIAlertController") == nil) because it works correctly on the iOS simulator using iOS 7.1 and 8.2, but if you test on a real device using iOS 7.1, you will unfortunately notice that you will never pass through the else part of the code snippet.

Basically the same idea as this one https://stackoverflow.com/a/19903595/1937908 but more robust:

#ifndef func_i_system_version_field
#define func_i_system_version_field

inline static int i_system_version_field(unsigned int fieldIndex) {
  NSString* const versionString = UIDevice.currentDevice.systemVersion;
  NSArray<NSString*>* const versionFields = [versionString componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
  if (fieldIndex < versionFields.count) {
    NSString* const field = versionFields[fieldIndex];
    return field.intValue;
  NSLog(@"[WARNING] i_system_version(%iu): field index not present in version string '%@'.", fieldIndex, versionString);
  return -1; // error indicator


Simply place the above code in a header file.


int major = i_system_version_field(0);
int minor = i_system_version_field(1);
int patch = i_system_version_field(2);

float deviceOSVersion = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue];
float versionToBeCompared = 3.1.3; //(For Example in your case)

if(deviceOSVersion < versionToBeCompared)
   //Do whatever you need to do. Device version is lesser than 3.1.3(in your case)
   //Device version should be either equal to the version you specified or above

With Version class that is contained in nv-ios-version project (Apache License, Version 2.0), it is easy to get and compare iOS version. An example code below dumps the iOS version and checks whether the version is greater than or equal to 6.0.

// Get the system version of iOS at runtime.
NSString *versionString = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];

// Convert the version string to a Version instance.
Version *version = [Version versionWithString:versionString];

// Dump the major, minor and micro version numbers.
NSLog(@"version = [%d, %d, %d]",
    version.major, version.minor, version.micro);

// Check whether the version is greater than or equal to 6.0.
if ([version isGreaterThanOrEqualToMajor:6 minor:0])
    // The iOS version is greater than or equal to 6.0.

// Another way to check whether iOS version is
// greater than or equal to 6.0.
if (6 <= version.major)
    // The iOS version is greater than or equal to 6.0.

Project Page: nv-ios-version

Blog: Get and compare iOS version at runtime with Version class
Get and compare iOS version at runtime with Version class

  1. From the the Home Screen, tap Settings > General > About.
  2. The software version of your device should appear on this screen.
  3. Check whether the version number is greater than 3.1.3.

 *  System Versioning Preprocessor Macros

#define SYSTEM_VERSION_EQUAL_TO(v)                  ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedSame)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN(v)              ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedDescending)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v)  ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(v)                 ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v)     ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedDescending)

 *  Usage



New way to check the system version using the swift Forget [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] and NSFoundationVersionNumber.

We can use NSProcessInfo -isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion

     import Foundation

     let yosemite = NSOperatingSystemVersion(majorVersion: 10, minorVersion: 10, patchVersion: 0)
     NSProcessInfo().isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion(yosemite) // false

#define IsIOS8 (NSFoundationVersionNumber > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_1)

In general it's better to ask if an object can perform a given selector, rather than checking a version number to decide if it must be present.

When this is not an option, you do need to be a bit careful here because [@"5.0" compare:@"5" options:NSNumericSearch] returns NSOrderedDescending which might well not be intended at all; I might expect NSOrderedSame here. This is at least a theoretical concern, one that is worth defending against in my opinion.

Also worth considering is the possibility of a bad version input which can not reasonably be compared to. Apple supplies the three predefined constants NSOrderedAscending, NSOrderedSame and NSOrderedDescending but I can think of a use for some thing called NSOrderedUnordered in the event I can't compare two things and I want to return a value indicating this.

What's more, it's not impossible that Apple will some day expand their three predefined constants to allow a variety of return values, making a comparison != NSOrderedAscending unwise.

With this said, consider the following code.

typedef enum {kSKOrderedNotOrdered = -2, kSKOrderedAscending = -1, kSKOrderedSame = 0, kSKOrderedDescending = 1} SKComparisonResult;

@interface SKComparator : NSObject
+ (SKComparisonResult)comparePointSeparatedVersionNumber:(NSString *)vOne withPointSeparatedVersionNumber:(NSString *)vTwo;

@implementation SKComparator
+ (SKComparisonResult)comparePointSeparatedVersionNumber:(NSString *)vOne withPointSeparatedVersionNumber:(NSString *)vTwo {
  if (!vOne || !vTwo || [vOne length] < 1 || [vTwo length] < 1 || [vOne rangeOfString:@".."].location != NSNotFound ||
    [vTwo rangeOfString:@".."].location != NSNotFound) {
    return SKOrderedNotOrdered;
  NSCharacterSet *numericalCharSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@".0123456789"];
  NSString *vOneTrimmed = [vOne stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:numericalCharSet];
  NSString *vTwoTrimmed = [vTwo stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:numericalCharSet];
  if ([vOneTrimmed length] > 0 || [vTwoTrimmed length] > 0) {
    return SKOrderedNotOrdered;
  NSArray *vOneArray = [vOne componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
  NSArray *vTwoArray = [vTwo componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
  for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < MIN([vOneArray count], [vTwoArray count]); i++) {
    NSInteger vOneInt = [[vOneArray objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
    NSInteger vTwoInt = [[vTwoArray objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
    if (vOneInt > vTwoInt) {
      return kSKOrderedDescending;
    } else if (vOneInt < vTwoInt) {
      return kSKOrderedAscending;
  if ([vOneArray count] > [vTwoArray count]) {
    for (NSUInteger i = [vTwoArray count]; i < [vOneArray count]; i++) {
      if ([[vOneArray objectAtIndex:i] intValue] > 0) {
        return kSKOrderedDescending;
  } else if ([vOneArray count] < [vTwoArray count]) {
    for (NSUInteger i = [vOneArray count]; i < [vTwoArray count]; i++) {
      if ([[vTwoArray objectAtIndex:i] intValue] > 0) {
        return kSKOrderedAscending;
  return kSKOrderedSame;

Just for retrieving the OS version string value:

[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]

a bit late to the party but in light of iOS 8.0 out there this might be relevant:

if you can avoid using

[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion]

Instead check for existence of of a method/class/whatever else.

if ([self.yourClassInstance respondsToSelector:@selector(<yourMethod>)]) 
    //do stuff 

I found it to be useful for location manager where I have to call requestWhenInUseAuthorization for iOS 8.0 but the method is not available for iOS < 8

A more generic version in Obj-C++ 11 (you could probably replace some of this stuff with the NSString/C functions, but this is less verbose. This gives you two mechanisms. splitSystemVersion gives you an array of all the parts which is useful if you just want to switch on the major version (e.g. switch([self splitSystemVersion][0]) {case 4: break; case 5: break; }).

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

- (std::vector<int>) splitSystemVersion {
    std::string version = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] UTF8String];
    std::vector<int> versions;
    auto i = version.begin();

    while (i != version.end()) {
        auto nextIllegalChar = std::find_if(i, version.end(), [] (char c) -> bool { return !isdigit(c); } );
        std::string versionPart(i, nextIllegalChar);
        i = std::find_if(nextIllegalChar, version.end(), isdigit);


    return versions;

/** Losslessly parse system version into a number
 * @return <0>: the version as a number,
 * @return <1>: how many numeric parts went into the composed number. e.g.
 * X.Y.Z = 3.  You need this to know how to compare again <0>
- (std::tuple<int, int>) parseSystemVersion {
    std::string version = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] UTF8String];
    int versionAsNumber = 0;
    int nParts = 0;

    auto i = version.begin();
    while (i != version.end()) {
        auto nextIllegalChar = std::find_if(i, version.end(), [] (char c) -> bool { return !isdigit(c); } );
        std::string versionPart(i, nextIllegalChar);
        i = std::find_if(nextIllegalChar, version.end(), isdigit);

        int part = (boost::lexical_cast<int>(versionPart));
        versionAsNumber = versionAsNumber * 100 + part;
        nParts ++;

    return {versionAsNumber, nParts};

/** Assume that the system version will not go beyond X.Y.Z.W format.
 * @return The version string.
- (int) parseSystemVersionAlt {
    std::string version = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] UTF8String];
    int versionAsNumber = 0;
    int nParts = 0;

    auto i = version.begin();
    while (i != version.end() && nParts < 4) {
        auto nextIllegalChar = std::find_if(i, version.end(), [] (char c) -> bool { return !isdigit(c); } );
        std::string versionPart(i, nextIllegalChar);
        i = std::find_if(nextIllegalChar, version.end(), isdigit);

        int part = (boost::lexical_cast<int>(versionPart));
        versionAsNumber = versionAsNumber * 100 + part;
        nParts ++;

    // don't forget to pad as systemVersion may have less parts (i.e. X.Y).
    for (; nParts < 4; nParts++) {
        versionAsNumber *= 100;

    return versionAsNumber;


NSComparisonResult order = [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion compare: @"3.1.3" options: NSNumericSearch];
if (order == NSOrderedSame || order == NSOrderedDescending) {
    // OS version >= 3.1.3
} else {
    // OS version < 3.1.3

Try this

if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7) { 
// do some work

Preferred Approach

In Swift 2.0 Apple added availability checking using a far more convenient syntax (Read more here). Now you can check the OS version with a cleaner syntax:

if #available(iOS 9, *) {
    // Then we are on iOS 9
} else {
    // iOS 8 or earlier

This is the preferred over checking respondsToSelector etc (What's New In Swift). Now the compiler will always warn you if you aren't guarding your code properly.

Pre Swift 2.0

New in iOS 8 is NSProcessInfo allowing for better semantic versioning checks.

Deploying on iOS 8 and greater

For minimum deployment targets of iOS 8.0 or above, use NSProcessInfo operatingSystemVersion or isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion.

This would yield the following:

let minimumVersion = NSOperatingSystemVersion(majorVersion: 8, minorVersion: 1, patchVersion: 2)
if NSProcessInfo().isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion(minimumVersion) {
    //current version is >= (8.1.2)
} else {
    //current version is < (8.1.2)

Deploying on iOS 7

For minimum deployment targets of iOS 7.1 or below, use compare with NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch on UIDevice systemVersion.

This would yield:

let minimumVersionString = "3.1.3"
let versionComparison = UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion.compare(minimumVersionString, options: .NumericSearch)
switch versionComparison {
    case .OrderedSame, .OrderedDescending:
        //current version is >= (3.1.3)
    case .OrderedAscending:
        //current version is < (3.1.3)

More reading at NSHipster.


@interface UIDevice (IOSVersion)

+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionEqualToVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion;
+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionGreaterThanVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion;
+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionGreaterThanOrEqualToVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion;
+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionLessThanVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion;
+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionLessThanOrEqualToVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion



#import "UIDevice+IOSVersion.h"

@implementation UIDevice (IOSVersion)

+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionEqualToVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion
    return [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:iOSVersion options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedSame;

+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionGreaterThanVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion
    return [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:iOSVersion options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedDescending;

+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionGreaterThanOrEqualToVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion
    return [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:iOSVersion options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending;

+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionLessThanVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion
    return [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:iOSVersion options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending;

+ (BOOL)isCurrentIOSVersionLessThanOrEqualToVersion:(NSString *)iOSVersion
    return [[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:iOSVersion options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedDescending;


There are a few problems with the two popular answers:

  1. Comparing strings using NSNumericSearch sometimes has unintuitive results (the SYSTEM_VERSION_* macros all suffer from this):

    [@"10.0" compare:@"10" options:NSNumericSearch] // returns NSOrderedDescending instead of NSOrderedSame

    FIX: Normalize your strings first and then perform the comparisons. could be annoying trying to get both strings in identical formats.

  2. Using the foundation framework version symbols is not possible when checking future releases

    NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1 // does not exist in iOS 5 SDK

    FIX: Perform two separate tests to ensure the symbol exists AND THEN compare symbols. However another here:

  3. The foundation framwork versions symbols are not unique to iOS versions. Multiple iOS releases can have the same framework version.

    9.2 & 9.3 are both 1242.12
    8.3 & 8.4 are both 1144.17

    FIX: I believe this issue is unresolvable

To resolve these issues, the following method treats version number strings as base-10000 numbers (each major/minor/patch component is an individual digit) and performs a base conversion to decimal for easy comparison using integer operators.

Two other methods were added for conveniently comparing iOS version strings and for comparing strings with arbitrary number of components.

+ (SInt64)integerFromVersionString:(NSString *)versionString withComponentCount:(NSUInteger)componentCount
    // performs base conversion from a version string to a decimal value. the version string is interpreted as
    // a base-10000 number, where each component is an individual digit. this makes it simple to use integer
    // operations for comparing versions. for example (with componentCount = 4):
    //   version "" = 5*1000^3 + 9*1000^2 + 22*1000^1 + 1*1000^0 = 5000900220001
    //    and
    //   version "" = 6*1000^3 + 0*1000^2 + 0*1000^1 + 0*1000^1 = 6000000000000
    //    and
    //   version "6" = 6*1000^3 + 0*1000^2 + 0*1000^1 + 0*1000^1 = 6000000000000
    // then the integer comparisons hold true as you would expect:
    //   "" < "" // true
    //   "" == "6"       // true

    static NSCharacterSet *nonDecimalDigitCharacter;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
        ^{  // don't allocate this charset every time the function is called
            nonDecimalDigitCharacter = [[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] invertedSet];

    SInt64 base    = 10000; // each component in the version string must be less than base
    SInt64 result  =     0;
    SInt64 power   =     0;

    // construct the decimal value left-to-right from the version string
    for (NSString *component in [versionString componentsSeparatedByString:@"."])
        if (NSNotFound != [component rangeOfCharacterFromSet:nonDecimalDigitCharacter].location)
            // one of the version components is not an integer, so bail out
            result = -1;
        result += [component longLongValue] * (long long)pow((double)base, (double)(componentCount - ++power));

    return result;

+ (SInt64)integerFromVersionString:(NSString *)versionString
    return [[self class] integerFromVersionString:versionString
                               withComponentCount:[[versionString componentsSeparatedByString:@"."] count]];

+ (SInt64)integerFromiOSVersionString:(NSString *)versionString
    // iOS uses 3-component version string
    return [[self class] integerFromVersionString:versionString

It's somewhat future-proof in that it supports many revision identifiers (through 4 digits, 0-9999; change base to adjust this range) and can support an arbitrary number of components (Apple seems to use 3 components for now, e.g. major.minor.patch), but this can be specified explicitly using the componentCount argument. Be sure your componentCount and base do not cause overflow, i.e. ensure 2^63 >= base^componentCount!

Usage example:

NSString *currentVersion = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];
if ([Util integerFromiOSVersionString:currentVersion] >= [Util integerFromiOSVersionString:@"42"])
    NSLog(@"we are in some horrible distant future where iOS still exists");