[javascript] get an element's id

Is there another way to get an DOM element's ID?


This question is related to javascript html

The answer is

This gets and alerts the id of the element with the id "ele".

var id = document.getElementById("ele").id;
alert("ID: " + id);

You need to check if is a string to avoid getting a child element

var getIdFromDomObj = function(domObj){
   var id = domObj.id;
   return typeof id  === 'string' ? id : false;

In events handler you can get id as follows

function show(btn) {_x000D_
  console.log('Button id:',btn.id);_x000D_
<button id="myButtonId" onclick="show(this)">Click me</button>

Yes. You can get an element by its ID by calling document.getElementById. It will return an element node if found, and null otherwise:

var x = document.getElementById("elementid");   // Get the element with id="elementid"
x.style.color = "green";                        // Change the color of the element

Super Easy Way is

  $('.CheckBxMSG').each(function () {
            var ChkBxMsgId;
            ChkBxMsgId = $(this).attr('id');

Tell me if this helps

This would work too:


(If element where the 1st paragraph in your document)

Yes you can simply say:

function getID(oObject) 
    var id = oObject.id;
    alert("This object's ID attribute is set to \"" + id + "\"."); 

Check this out: ID Attribute | id Property