[conda] Conda update failed: SSL error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed

I found out that there was a problem when I tried doing

conda update <package>

Terminal output

conda update bokeh Fetching package metadata: SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) .SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) .SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) .SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) . Solving package specifications: . Package plan for installation in environment //anaconda:

The following packages will be downloaded:

package                    |            build
decorator-4.0.2            |           py27_0          11 KB
ipython_genutils-0.1.0     |           py27_0          32 KB
path.py-8.1.1              |           py27_0          45 KB
pexpect-3.3                |           py27_0          60 KB
pickleshare-0.5            |           py27_0           8 KB
simplegeneric-0.8.1        |           py27_0           6 KB
traitlets-4.0.0            |           py27_0          88 KB
ipython-4.0.0              |           py27_0         916 KB
jinja2-2.8                 |           py27_0         263 KB
tornado-4.2.1              |           py27_0         515 KB
bokeh-0.9.3                |       np19py27_0        14.3 MB
                                       Total:        16.2 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

ipython_genutils: 0.1.0-py27_0    
path.py:          8.1.1-py27_0    
pexpect:          3.3-py27_0      
pickleshare:      0.5-py27_0      
simplegeneric:    0.8.1-py27_0    
traitlets:        4.0.0-py27_0    

The following packages will be UPDATED:

bokeh:            0.9.0-np19py27_0 --> 0.9.3-np19py27_0
decorator:        3.4.2-py27_0     --> 4.0.2-py27_0    
ipython:          3.2.0-py27_0     --> 4.0.0-py27_0    
jinja2:           2.7.3-py27_1     --> 2.8-py27_0      
tornado:          4.2-py27_0       --> 4.2.1-py27_0    

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Fetching packages ... Could not connect to https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/osx-64/decorator-4.0.2-py27_0.tar.bz2 Error: Connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590): https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/osx-64/decorator-4.0.2-py27_0.tar.bz2

dendisuhubdy:finalproject dendisuhubdy$ brew link --force openssl Linking /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2d_1... 1548 symlinks created dendisuhubdy:finalproject dendisuhubdy$ conda update bokeh Fetching package metadata: SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) .SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) .SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) .SSL verification error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) . Solving package specifications: . Package plan for installation in environment //anaconda:

The following packages will be downloaded:

package                    |            build
decorator-4.0.2            |           py27_0          11 KB
ipython_genutils-0.1.0     |           py27_0          32 KB
path.py-8.1.1              |           py27_0          45 KB
pexpect-3.3                |           py27_0          60 KB
pickleshare-0.5            |           py27_0           8 KB
simplegeneric-0.8.1        |           py27_0           6 KB
traitlets-4.0.0            |           py27_0          88 KB
ipython-4.0.0              |           py27_0         916 KB
jinja2-2.8                 |           py27_0         263 KB
tornado-4.2.1              |           py27_0         515 KB
bokeh-0.9.3                |       np19py27_0        14.3 MB
                                       Total:        16.2 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

ipython_genutils: 0.1.0-py27_0    
path.py:          8.1.1-py27_0    
pexpect:          3.3-py27_0      
pickleshare:      0.5-py27_0      
simplegeneric:    0.8.1-py27_0    
traitlets:        4.0.0-py27_0    

The following packages will be UPDATED:

bokeh:            0.9.0-np19py27_0 --> 0.9.3-np19py27_0
decorator:        3.4.2-py27_0     --> 4.0.2-py27_0    
ipython:          3.2.0-py27_0     --> 4.0.0-py27_0    
jinja2:           2.7.3-py27_1     --> 2.8-py27_0      
tornado:          4.2-py27_0       --> 4.2.1-py27_0    

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Fetching packages ... Could not connect to https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/osx-64/decorator-4.0.2-py27_0.tar.bz2 Error: Connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590): https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/osx-64/decorator-4.0.2-py27_0.tar.bz2

Please advise what I need to do to overcome this message!

This question is related to conda

The answer is

For everyone struggling with this issue, you simply need to upgrade your openssl installation. I'm running windows 10, installed the latest anaconda 64-bit and am getting this error when I try to install/upgrade anything with 'conda' or 'pip'. If I uninstall the 64-bit anaconda and install the 32-bit, it works fine. I had a 64-bit version of openssl for windows installed, version 1.1.0 something. I uninstalled that and installed the latest I could find from here: https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html -- there is a 64-bit version of 1.1.1 on there that worked. Now I can install packages via pip and conda successfully. Hope this helps.

After 2 hrs of net surfing Finally For me the problem was fixed by creating a folder pip, with a file: pip.ini in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\ e.g:


Inside it I wrote:

trusted-host = pypi.python.org

I restarted python, and then pip permanently trusted these sites, and used them to download packages from.

If you can't find the AppData Folder on windows, write %appdata% in file explorer and it should appear.

Source : pip install fails with "connection error: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:598)"

Conda needs to know where to find you SSL certificate store.

conda config --set ssl_verify <pathToYourFile>.crt

No need to disable SSL verification.

This command add a line to your $HOME/.condarc file or %USERPROFILE%\.condarc file on Windows that looks like:

ssl_verify: <pathToYourFile>.crt

If you leave your organization's network, you can just comment out that line in .condarc with a # and uncomment when you return.

If it still doesn't work, make sure that you are using the latest version of curl, checking both the conda-forge and anaconda channels.

For those of us on corporate networks using web filters that implement trusted man in the middle SSL solutions, it is necessary to add the web-filter certificate to the certifi cacert.pem.

A guide to doing this is here.

Main steps are:

  1. connect to https site with browser
  2. view and save root certificate
  3. convert cert to .pem
  4. copy and paste onto end of existing cacert.pem
  5. save
  6. SSL happiness

This seemed to do the trick for me:

conda remove certifi
conda install certifi

Then you can do whatever you were trying to do before, e.g.

conda update --all

That SSL error is misleading. I am using Anaconda 3, conda version 4.6.11, have the most current version of openssl on a Windows 10 instance. I got the issue resolved by changing the security settings on the Anaconda3 folder to Full Control. Don't think this helped, but I also have modified the ..\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\certifi\cacert.pem file to include the company's SSL cert.

Hope this info helps you.

I faced the same problem on Mac OS X and with Miniconda. After trying many of the proposed solutions for hours I found that I needed to correctly set Condas environment – specifically requests environment variable – to use the Root certificate that my company provided rather than the generic ones that Conda provides.

Here is how I solved it:

  1. Open Chrome, got to any website, click on the lock icon on the left of the URL. Click on «Certificate» on the dropdown. In the next window you see a stack of certificates. The uppermost (aka top line in window) is the root certificate (e.g. Zscaler Root CA in my case, yours will very likely be a different one).

enter image description here

  1. Open Mac OS keychain, click on «Certificates» and choose among the many certificates the root certificate that you just identified. Export this to any folder of your choosing.
  2. Convert this certificate with openssl: openssl x509 -inform der -in /path/to/your/certificate.cer -out /path/to/converted/certificate.pem
  3. For a quick check set your shell to acknowledge the certificate: export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/path/to/converted/certificate.pem
  4. To set this permanently open your shell profile (.bshrs or e.g. .zshrc) and add this line: export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/path/to/converted/certificate.pem. Now exit your terminal/shell and reopen. Check again.

You should be set and Conda should work fine.