[javascript] Selecting all text in HTML text input when clicked

If you are just trying to have placeholder text that gets replaced when a user selects the element then it is obviously best practice to use placeholder attribute nowadays. However, if you want to select all of the current value when a field gains focus then a combination of @Cory House and @Toastrackenigma answers seems to be most canonical. Use focus and focusout events, with handlers that set/release the current focus element, and select all when focused. An angular2/typescript example is as follows (but would be trivial to convert to vanilla js):


<input type="text" (focus)="focus()" (focusout)="focusout()" ... >


private focused = false;

public focusout = (): void => {
    this.focused = false;

public focus = (): void => {
    if(this.focused) return;
    this.focused = true;

    // Timeout for cross browser compatibility (Chrome)
    setTimeout(() => { document.execCommand('selectall', null, false); });