[android] Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android

I am in the process of figuring it out now but it seems as though the math depends on where you and your target are on the earth relative to true and magnetic North. For example:

float thetaMeThem = 0.0;
if (myLocation.bearingTo(targetLocation) > myLocation.getBearing()){ 
     thetaMeThem = myLocation.bearingTo(targetLocation) - azimuth + declination;} 

See Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION for azimuth.

See getDeclination() for declination

This assumes declination is negative (west of true north) and theirBearing > yourBearing.

If declination is positive and yourBearing > theirBearing another option:

float thetaMeThem = 0.0;
if (myLocation.bearingTo(targetLocation) < myLocation.getBearing()){ 
     thetaMeThem = azimuth - (myLocation.bearingTo(targetLocation) - declination);} 

I haven't tested this fully but playing with the angles on paper got me here.

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