[javascript] I want to truncate a text or line with ellipsis using JavaScript

Try this

function shorten(text, maxLength, delimiter, overflow) {
  delimiter = delimiter || "…";
  overflow = overflow || false;
  var ret = text;
  if (ret.length > maxLength) {
    var breakpoint = overflow ? maxLength + ret.substr(maxLength).indexOf(" ") : ret.substr(0, maxLength).lastIndexOf(" ");
    ret = ret.substr(0, breakpoint) + delimiter;
  return ret;

$(document).ready(function() {
  var $editedText = $("#edited_text");
  var text = $editedText.text();
  $editedText.text(shorten(text, 33, "...", false));

Checkout a working sample on Codepen http://codepen.io/Izaias/pen/QbBwwE

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