Here's my workaround:
I created a library with Angular 6. I added a common component commonlib-header
which is used like this in an external application.
Note the serviceReference
which is the class (injected in the component constructor(public serviceReference: MyService)
that uses the commonlib-header
) that holds the stringFunctionName
[logo]="{ src: 'assets/img/logo.svg', alt: 'Logo', href: '#' }"
[buttons]="[{ index: 0, innerHtml: 'Button', class: 'btn btn-primary', onClick: [serviceReference, 'stringFunctionName', ['arg1','arg2','arg3']] }]">
The library component is programmed like this. The dynamic event is added in the onClick(fn: any)
export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {
_buttons: Array<NavItem> = []
set buttons(buttons: Array<any>) {
buttons.forEach(navItem => {
let _navItem = new NavItem(navItem.href, navItem.innerHtml)
_navItem.class = navItem.class
_navItem.onClick = navItem.onClick // this is the array from the component @Input properties above
this._buttons[navItem.index] = _navItem
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {}
onClick(fn: any){
let ref = fn[0]
let fnName = fn[1]
let args = fn[2]
ref[fnName].apply(ref, args)
The reusable header.component.html
<div class="topbar-right">
<button *ngFor="let btn of _buttons"
class="{{ btn.class }}"
[innerHTML]="btn.innerHtml | keepHtml"></button>