[java] Converting Secret Key into a String and Vice Versa

Converting SecretKeySpec to String and vice-versa: you can use getEncoded() method in SecretKeySpec which will give byteArray, from that you can use encodeToString() to get string value of SecretKeySpec in Base64 object.

While converting SecretKeySpec to String: use decode() in Base64 will give byteArray, from that you can create instance for SecretKeySpec with the params as the byteArray to reproduce your SecretKeySpec.

String mAesKey_string;
SecretKeySpec mAesKey= new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getEncoded(), "AES");

//SecretKeySpec to String 
    byte[] byteaes=mAesKey.getEncoded();

//String to SecretKeySpec
    byte[] aesByte = Base64.decode(mAesKey_string, Base64.NO_WRAP);
    mAesKey= new SecretKeySpec(aesByte, "AES");

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