[android] How can I find and run the keytool

Few observations while I was getting the same problem (Windows). 1. Shell pipe is important. 2. If you are using OpenSSL or Cygwin, definitely you have to install it. 3. keytool comes with JDK so either you have to point to it in the command or you have cd to the JDK/bin folder (where the exe resides) 4. The debug keystore is typically located at ~/.android/debug.keystore 5. password is "android" whether you -keypass it or type it when prompted. 6. For the alias name, you can open (DO NOT SAVE, just open and close) the keystore file with any editor and read it. 7. MOST IMPORTANT - There is a difference is specifying the keystore path within quotes and without. I got it working by using the keystore path within the double quotes. As remix090378 said and as per the instruction, this command indeed worked - cd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\userName.android\debug.keystore" -list -v

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