[android] How to view data saved in android database(SQLite)?

I am able to view the database from eclipse(from file explorer), but I want to view the whole detail, I mean the data that I have inserted, which I am unable. And my complete Android installation has made on F Drive .So any help will be appreciated.Thanks a lot

This question is related to android sqlite

The answer is

You can access this folder using the DDMS for your Emulator. you can't access this location on a real device unless you have a rooted device.

You can view Table structure and Data in Eclipse. Here are the steps

  1. Install SqliteManagerPlugin for Eclipse. Jump to step 5 if you already have it.
  2. Download the *.jar file from here
  3. Put the *.jar file into the folder eclipse/dropins/
  4. Restart eclipse
  5. In the top right of eclipse, click the DDMS icon
  6. Select the proper emulator in the left panel
  7. In the File Explorer tab on the main panel, go to /data/data/[YOUR.APP.NAMESPACE]/databases
  8. Underneath the DDMS icon, there should be a new blue icon of a Database light up when you select your database. Click it and you will see a Questoid Sqlite Manager tab open up to view your data.

*Note: If the database doesn't light up, it may be because your database doesn't have a *.db file extension. Be sure your database is called [DATABASE_NAME].db

*Note: if you want to use a DB without .db-Extension:

  1. Download this Questoid SqLiteBrowser: http://www.java2s.com/Code/JarDownload/com.questoid/com.questoid.sqlitebrowser_1.2.0.jar.zip

  2. Unzip and put it into eclipse/dropins (not Plugins)

Check this for more information

1. Download SQLite Manager
2. Go to your DDMS tab in Eclipse
3. Go to the File Explorer --> data --> data --> "Your Package Name" --> pull file from device 4. Open file in SQLite Manager.
5. View data.

Dowlnoad sqlite manager and install it from Here.Open the sqlite file using that browser.

I recommend the firefox plugin(SQLLite Manager) if you always use firefox.

Here is the link

Open DDMS than in DATA>DATA>"Select your package like com.example.foo"> than select your database folder than pull that data in eclipse you can see the pull an push icon on top right side ...

Try this..

  1. Download the Sqlite Manager jar file here.

  2. Add it to your eclipse > dropins Directory.

  3. Restart eclipse.

  4. Launch the compatible emulator or device

  5. Run your application.

  6. Go to Window > Open Perspective > DDMS >

  7. Choose the running device.

  8. Go to File Explorer tab.

  9. Select the directory called databases under your application's package.

  10. Select the .db file under the database directory.

  11. Then click Sqlite manager icon like this Sqlite manager icon.

  12. Now you're able to see the .db file.

Happy coding.....

If you don't want to download anything, you can use sqlite3 tool which is provided with adb :

Examining sqlite3 databases from a remote shell

and :

Command Line Shell For SQLite

If you are able to copy the actual SQLite database file to your desktop, you can use this tools to browse the data.