[git] How can I make Jenkins CI with Git trigger on pushes to master?

Continuous Integration with Jenkins, after code is pushed to repository from Git command/ GUI:

  1. Create a job in Jenkins with only job name and select type of the project freestyle. Click OK. The next page doesn't add anything - just click Save.
  2. Go to the your local Git repository where you have the source code and navigate to the .git/hooks folder.
  3. The hooks folder contains the few files. Check for the "post-commit". If not present, create a file, "post-commit" without a file extension:

  4. Edit the "post-commit" file with the below command. Make sure it is present in your local source code hooks folder.

    curl -u userName:apiToken -X POST http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/jobName/build?token=apiToken


    curl -u admin:f1c55b3a07bb2b69b9dd549e96898384 -X POST http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/Gitcommittest/build?token=f1c55b3a07bb2b69b9dd549e96898384


    userName: Jenkins user name

    jobName: Job name of the build

    apiToken: To get your API token, go to your Jenkins user page (top right in the interface). It is available in the "Configure" menu on the left of the page: "Show API token"

  5. Make changes in your source code and commit the code to repository.

  6. Your job, http://localhost:8080/jenkins/job/Gitcommittest/, should be building.

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