My solution for a local git server: go to your local git server hook directory, ignore the existing update.sample and create a new file literally named as "update", such as:
gituser@me:~/project.git/hooks$ pwd
gituser@me:~/project.git/hooks$ cat update
echo "XXX from update file"
curl -u admin:11f778f9f2c4d1e237d60f479974e3dae9 -X POST http://localhost:8080/job/job4_pullsrc_buildcontainer/build?token=11f778f9f2c4d1e237d60f479974e3dae9
exit 0
The echo statement will be displayed under your git push result, token can be taken from your jenkins job configuration, browse to find it. If the file "update" is not called, try some other files with the same name without extension "sample".
That's all you need