[iis-7] Invalid application path

IIS7 Windows 7 64bit

No matter what I do I can't seem to add an application to a web site.

When I 'Test settings' I get "Invalid application path".

Any one have a guess as to what I could be doing wrong?


This question is related to iis-7

The answer is

I was able to correct the flaw by changing the file below:



<application path="/" applicationPool="ASP.NET v4.0">
    <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Bonobo.Git.Server" />
<application path="/Bonobo.Git.Server" applicationPool="ASP.NET v4.0">
    <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Bonobo.Git.Server" />


<application path="/">
    <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\" />
<application path="/Bonobo.Git.Server" applicationPool="ASP.NET v4.0">
    <virtualDirectory path="/" physicalPath="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Bonobo.Git.Server" />

When I got this error it appeared to be due to a security setting. When I changed the "Connect As" property to an administrator then I no longer got the message.

Obviously this isn't a good solution for a production environment - one should probably grant the least privileges necessary for the user IIS is going to be using by default. I'll update this answer if I learn more.

The error message might be a bug. I ignored it and everything worked for me.

IIS Invalid Application Path Screen Shot

See Here: http://forums.iis.net/t/1177952.aspx

and here http://forums.iis.net/p/1182820/2000936.aspx

Try : Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager -> Default Web Site -> Click Error Pages properties and select Detail errors

Go to your HTTP bindings in IIS (select your website, then on the right click on Bindings...). Delete your SSL and your HTTP binding. Re-Add them.

This usually fixes this for me.

I eventually tracked this down to the Anonymous Authentication Credentials. I don't know what had changed, because this application used to work, but anyway, this is what I did: Click on the Application -> Authentication. Make sure Anonymous Authentication is enabled (it was, in my case), but also click on Edit... and change the anonymous user identity to "Application pool identity" not "Specific user". Making this change worked for me.


I also had this error.

My IIS Website has a Default Website with three (3) application directories below it.

I had each of my 3 application directories configured correctly to use .NET Framework v2.0 in the Application Pools.

Edit Application Pool

However, the Default Website never was configured. I didn't think it was necessary since all of my apps were contained within it.

My IIS Server's default configuration is .NET Framework v4.0, so I changed that to .NET v2.0:

Edit Default App Pool

After I did that, I no longer received the same error message.

Now, I see this:


I hope this information helps others.

Problem was installing iis manager after .net framework aspnet_regiis had run. Run run aspnet_regiis from x64 .net framework directory

aspnet_regiis -iru // From x64 .net framework directory

IIS Manager can't configure .NET Compilation on .NET 4 Applications

This worked for me. (btw its not recommended.)

For my test app , I created a new application pool and changed its Identity to "NetworkService" .

enter image description here

More about App Pool Identities here
http://www.iis.net/learn/manage/configuring-security/application-pool-identities and

You have to make sure that "NetworkService" has rights on your application's physical path.

I was also getting this error, I found that it was because I had deleted the Default Application Pool "DefaultAppPool". Re-creating it fixed the problem. Drove me crazy for a few days.

This error will appear if either the web application is mapped to a non-existent app-pool; or if that application pool is stopped.

I was also getting this error. The problem for me turned out to be that I had two separate websites on the machine, and I had not designated which address went to which website. To resolve this, go to IIS Manager -> Select Web Site -> Bindings -> Add... -> Enter the host name that you want to resolve for this website. Repeat for any other websites on the machine.

HTH. Rick

I had a similar issue today. It was caused by skype! A recent update to skype had re-enabled port 80 and 443 as alternatives to incoming connections.

H/T : http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/549157/unableplustoplusstartplusdebuggingplusonplustheplu

To disable, go to skype > options > Advanced > Connections and uncheck "Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives to incoming connections"

In my case I had virtual dir. When I accessed main WCF Service in main dir it was working fine but accessing WCF service in virtual dir was throwing an error. I had following code in web.config for both main and virtual dir.

                <add sequence=".." />

by removing from web.config in virtual dir it fixed it.

I still haven’t find a solution, but find a workaround.

You can manually change IIS configuration, in system32\intsrv\config\applicationHost.config. Just manually create (copy-paste) section in <sites> and <location>.

even it was getting the above error. i found out that IIS was not registered on the server.

registering the iis fixed the issue.
