[android] Android - Package Name convention

For the "Hello World" example in android.com, the package name is
"package com.example.helloandroid;"

Is there any guideline/standard to name this package? (references would be nice)

This question is related to android naming

The answer is

But if your Android App is only for personal purpose or created by you alone, you can use:


Generally the first 2 package "words" are your web address in reverse. (You'd have 3 here as convention, if you had a subdomain.)

So something stackoverflow produces would likely be in package com.stackoverflow.whatever.customname

something asp.net produces might be called net.asp.whatever.customname.omg.srsly

something from mysubdomain.toplevel.com would be com.toplevel.mysubdomain.whatever

Beyond that simple convention, the sky's the limit. This is an old linux convention for something that I cannot recall exactly...


Companies use their reversed Internet domain name to begin their package names—for example, com.example.mypackage for a package named mypackage created by a programmer at example.com.

Name collisions that occur within a single company need to be handled by convention within that company, perhaps by including the region or the project name after the company name (for example, com.example.region.mypackage).

If you have a company domain www.example.com

Then you should use:


If you own a domain name like example.co.uk than it should be:


If you do not own a domain, you should then use your email address:

for [email protected] it should be:


The package name is used for unique identification for your application.
Android uses the package name to determine if the application has been installed or not.
The general naming is:




Com = commercial application (just like .com, most people register their app as a com app)
First level = always the publishing entity's' name
Second level (optional) = sub-devison, group, or project name
Final level = product name

For example he android launcher (home screen) is Com.Google.android.launcher