If you don't want to output to a temp file and then read into a variable, this code stores result of command direct into a variable:
FOR /F %i IN ('findstr testing') DO set VARIABLE=%i
If you want to enclose search string in double quotes:
FOR /F %i IN ('findstr "testing"') DO set VARIABLE=%i
If you want to store this code in a batch file, add an extra % symbol:
FOR /F %%i IN ('findstr "testing"') DO set VARIABLE=%%i
A useful example to count the number of files in a directory & store in a variable: (illustrates piping)
FOR /F %i IN ('dir /b /a-d "%cd%" ^| find /v /c "?"') DO set /a count=%i
Note the use of single quotes instead of double quotes " or grave accent ` in the command brackets. This is cleaner alternative to delims
, tokens
or usebackq
in for
Tested on Win 10 CMD.