[html] Use tab to indent in textarea

I have a simple html textarea on my side. Right now if you click tab in it, it goes to the next field. I would like to make the tab button indent a few spaces instead. How can I do this? Thanks.

This question is related to html textarea

The answer is

Hold ALT and press 0,9 from numeric keypad. It works in google-chrome

This solution allows tabbing in an entire selection like your typical code editor, and untabbing that selection too. However, I haven't figured out how to implement shift-tab when there's no selection.

$('#txtInput').on('keydown', function(ev) {_x000D_
    var keyCode = ev.keyCode || ev.which;_x000D_
    if (keyCode == 9) {_x000D_
        var start = this.selectionStart;_x000D_
        var end = this.selectionEnd;_x000D_
        var val = this.value;_x000D_
        var selected = val.substring(start, end);_x000D_
        var re, count;_x000D_
        if(ev.shiftKey) {_x000D_
            re = /^\t/gm;_x000D_
            count = -selected.match(re).length;_x000D_
            this.value = val.substring(0, start) + selected.replace(re, '') + val.substring(end);_x000D_
            // todo: add support for shift-tabbing without a selection_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            re = /^/gm;_x000D_
            count = selected.match(re).length;_x000D_
            this.value = val.substring(0, start) + selected.replace(re, '\t') + val.substring(end);_x000D_
        if(start === end) {_x000D_
            this.selectionStart = end + count;_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            this.selectionStart = start;_x000D_
        this.selectionEnd = end + count;_x000D_
#txtInput {_x000D_
  font-family: monospace;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>_x000D_
<textarea id="txtInput">_x000D_
 $("#msgid").html("This is Hello World by JQuery");_x000D_

If you really need tabs copy a tab from word or notepad and paste it in the text box where you want it

1 2 3

12 22 33

Unfortunately I think they remove the tabs from these comments though :) It will show as %09 in your POST or GET

Here's my version of this, supports:

  • tab + shift tab
  • maintains undo stack for simple tab character inserts
  • supports block line indent/unindent but trashes undo stack
  • properly selects whole lines when block indent/unindent
  • supports auto indent on pressing enter (maintains undo stack)
  • use Escape key cancel support on next tab/enter key (so you can press Escape then tab out)
  • Works on Chrome + Edge, untested others.

$(function() { _x000D_
 var enabled = true;_x000D_
 $("textarea.tabSupport").keydown(function(e) {_x000D_
  // Escape key toggles tab on/off_x000D_
  if (e.keyCode==27)_x000D_
   enabled = !enabled;_x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
  // Enter Key?_x000D_
  if (e.keyCode === 13 && enabled)_x000D_
   // selection?_x000D_
   if (this.selectionStart == this.selectionEnd)_x000D_
    // find start of the current line_x000D_
    var sel = this.selectionStart;_x000D_
    var text = $(this).val();_x000D_
    while (sel > 0 && text[sel-1] != '\n')_x000D_
    var lineStart = sel;_x000D_
    while (text[sel] == ' ' || text[sel]=='\t')_x000D_
    if (sel > lineStart)_x000D_
     // Insert carriage return and indented text_x000D_
     document.execCommand('insertText', false, "\n" + text.substr(lineStart, sel-lineStart));_x000D_
     // Scroll caret visible_x000D_
     return false;_x000D_
  // Tab key?_x000D_
  if(e.keyCode === 9 && enabled) _x000D_
   // selection?_x000D_
   if (this.selectionStart == this.selectionEnd)_x000D_
    // These single character operations are undoable_x000D_
    if (!e.shiftKey)_x000D_
     document.execCommand('insertText', false, "\t");_x000D_
     var text = this.value;_x000D_
     if (this.selectionStart > 0 && text[this.selectionStart-1]=='\t')_x000D_
    // Block indent/unindent trashes undo stack._x000D_
    // Select whole lines_x000D_
    var selStart = this.selectionStart;_x000D_
    var selEnd = this.selectionEnd;_x000D_
    var text = $(this).val();_x000D_
    while (selStart > 0 && text[selStart-1] != '\n')_x000D_
    while (selEnd > 0 && text[selEnd-1]!='\n' && selEnd < text.length)_x000D_
    // Get selected text_x000D_
    var lines = text.substr(selStart, selEnd - selStart).split('\n');_x000D_
    // Insert tabs_x000D_
    for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++)_x000D_
     // Don't indent last line if cursor at start of line_x000D_
     if (i==lines.length-1 && lines[i].length==0)_x000D_
     // Tab or Shift+Tab?_x000D_
     if (e.shiftKey)_x000D_
      if (lines[i].startsWith('\t'))_x000D_
       lines[i] = lines[i].substr(1);_x000D_
      else if (lines[i].startsWith("    "))_x000D_
       lines[i] = lines[i].substr(4);_x000D_
      lines[i] = "\t" + lines[i];_x000D_
    lines = lines.join('\n');_x000D_
    // Update the text area_x000D_
    this.value = text.substr(0, selStart) + lines + text.substr(selEnd);_x000D_
    this.selectionStart = selStart;_x000D_
    this.selectionEnd = selStart + lines.length; _x000D_
   return false;_x000D_
  enabled = true;_x000D_
  return true;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  tab-size: 4;_x000D_
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>_x000D_
<textarea class="tabSupport">if (something)_x000D_
 // This textarea has "tabSupport" CSS style_x000D_
 // Try using tab key_x000D_
 // Try selecting multiple lines and using tab and shift+tab_x000D_
 // Try pressing enter at end of this line for auto indent_x000D_
 // Use Escape key to toggle tab support on/off_x000D_
 //     eg: press Escape then Tab to go to next field_x000D_
<textarea>This text area doesn't have tabSupport class so disabled here</textarea>

I made one that you can access with any textarea element you like:

function textControl (element, event)
    if(event.keyCode==9 || event.which==9)
        var s = element.selectionStart;
        element.value = element.value.substring(0,element.selectionStart) + "\t" + element.value.substring(element.selectionEnd);
        element.selectionEnd = s+1; 

And the element would look like this:

<textarea onkeydown="textControl(this,event)"></textarea>

You have to write JS code to catch TAB key press and insert a bunch of spaces. Something similar to what JSFiddle does.

Check jquery fiddle:


<textarea id="mybox">this is a test</textarea>


$('#mybox').live('keydown', function(e) { 
  var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; 

  if (keyCode == 9) { 
    alert('tab pressed');

I had to make a function to do the same, It is simple to use, just copy this code to your script and use: enableTab( HTMLElement ) HTMLelement being something like document.getElementById( id )

The code is:

function enableTab(t){t.onkeydown=function(t){if(9===t.keyCode){var e=this.value,n=this.selectionStart,i=this.selectionEnd;return this.value=e.substring(0,n)+" "+e.substring(i),this.selectionStart=this.selectionEnd=n+1,!1}}}

Modern way that both is straight-forward and does not lose the ability to undo (Ctrl+Z) the last changes.

$('#your-textarea').keydown(function (e) {
    var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;

    if (keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB) {

        const TAB_SIZE = 4;

        // The one-liner that does the magic
        document.execCommand('insertText', false, ' '.repeat(TAB_SIZE));

More about execCommand:


As pointed out in the comment (and while this was once a "modern" solution), the feature has gone obsolete. Quoting the docs:

This feature is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. Try to avoid using it.

var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
var count = textareas.length;
for(var i=0;i<count;i++){
    textareas[i].onkeydown = function(e){
        if(e.keyCode==9 || e.which==9){
            var s = this.selectionStart;
            this.value = this.value.substring(0,this.selectionStart) + "\t" + this.value.substring(this.selectionEnd);
            this.selectionEnd = s+1; 

This solution does not require jQuery and will enable tab functionality on all textareas on a page.

Borrowing heavily from other answers for similar questions (posted below)...

document.getElementById('textbox').addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
  if (e.key == 'Tab') {
    var start = this.selectionStart;
    var end = this.selectionEnd;

    // set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
    this.value = this.value.substring(0, start) +
      "\t" + this.value.substring(end);

    // put caret at right position again
    this.selectionStart =
      this.selectionEnd = start + 1;
<input type="text" name="test1" />
<textarea id="textbox" name="test2"></textarea>
<input type="text" name="test3" />

jQuery: How to capture the TAB keypress within a Textbox

How to handle <tab> in textarea?

Multiple-line indetation script based on @kasdega solution.

$('textarea').on('keydown', function (e) {
    var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;

    if (keyCode === 9) {
        var start = this.selectionStart;
        var end = this.selectionEnd;
        var val = this.value;
        var selected = val.substring(start, end);
        var re = /^/gm;
        var count = selected.match(re).length;

        this.value = val.substring(0, start) + selected.replace(re, '\t') + val.substring(end);
        this.selectionStart = start;
        this.selectionEnd = end + count;

Try this simple jQuery function:

$.fn.getTab = function () {
    this.keydown(function (e) {
        if (e.keyCode === 9) {
            var val = this.value,
                start = this.selectionStart,
                end = this.selectionEnd;
            this.value = val.substring(0, start) + '\t' + val.substring(end);
            this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1;
            return false;
        return true;
    return this;

// You can also use $("input").getTab();

I was getting nowhere fast trying to use @kasdega's answer in an AngularJS environment, nothing I tried seemed able to make Angular act on the change. So in case it's of any use to passers by, here's a rewrite of @kasdega's code, AngularJS style, which worked for me:

app.directive('ngAllowTab', function () {
    return function (scope, element, attrs) {
        element.bind('keydown', function (event) {
            if (event.which == 9) {
                var start = this.selectionStart;
                var end = this.selectionEnd;
                element.val(element.val().substring(0, start) 
                    + '\t' + element.val().substring(end));
                this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1;


<textarea ng-model="mytext" ng-allow-tab></textarea>

For what it's worth, here's my oneliner, for what you all have been talking about in this thread:

<textarea onkeydown="if(event.keyCode===9){var v=this.value,s=this.selectionStart,e=this.selectionEnd;this.value=v.substring(0, s)+'\t'+v.substring(e);this.selectionStart=this.selectionEnd=s+1;return false;}">_x000D_

Testest in latest editions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Edge.

Simple standalone script:

textarea_enable_tab_indent = function(textarea) {    
    textarea.onkeydown = function(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 9 || e.which == 9){
            var oldStart = this.selectionStart;
            var before   = this.value.substring(0, this.selectionStart);
            var selected = this.value.substring(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd);
            var after    = this.value.substring(this.selectionEnd);
            this.value = before + "    " + selected + after;
            this.selectionEnd = oldStart + 4;

There is a library on Github for tab support in your textareas by wjbryant: Tab Override

This is how it works:

// get all the textarea elements on the page
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');

// enable Tab Override for all textareas

Based on all that people had to say here on the answers, its just a combination of keydown(not keyup) + preventDefault() + insert a tab character at the caret. Something like:

var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (keyCode == 9) {
   insertAtCaret('txt', '\t')

The earlier answer had a working jsfiddle but it used an alert() on keydown. If you remove this alert, then it didnt work. I ve just added a function to insert a tab at the current cursor position in the textarea.

Here s a working jsfiddle for the same: http://jsfiddle.net/nsHGZ/

The simplest way I found to do that in modern browsers with vanilla JavaScript is:

  <textarea name="codebox"></textarea>_x000D_
  const codebox = document.querySelector("[name=codebox]")_x000D_
  codebox.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {_x000D_
    let { keyCode } = e;_x000D_
    let { value, selectionStart, selectionEnd } = codebox;_x000D_
    if (keyCode === 9) {  // TAB = 9_x000D_
      codebox.value = value.slice(0, selectionStart) + "\t" + value.slice(selectionEnd);_x000D_
      codebox.setSelectionRange(selectionStart+2, selectionStart+2)_x000D_

Note that I used many ES6 features in this snippet for the sake of simplicity, you'll probably want to transpile it (with Babel or TypeScript) before deploying it.

The above answers all wipe undo history. For anyone looking for a solution that doesn't do that, I spent the last hour coding up the following for Chrome:

jQuery.fn.enableTabs = function(TAB_TEXT){
    // options
    if(!TAB_TEXT)TAB_TEXT = '\t';
    // text input event for character insertion
    function insertText(el, text){
        var te = document.createEvent('TextEvent');
        te.initTextEvent('textInput', true, true, null, text, 9, "en-US");
    // catch tab and filter selection
        if((e.which || e.keyCode)!=9)return true;
        var contents = this.value,
            sel_start = this.selectionStart,
            sel_end = this.selectionEnd,
            sel_contents_before = contents.substring(0, sel_start),
            first_line_start_search = sel_contents_before.lastIndexOf('\n'),
            first_line_start = first_line_start_search==-1 ? 0 : first_line_start_search+1,
            tab_sel_contents = contents.substring(first_line_start, sel_end),
            tab_sel_contents_find = (e.shiftKey?new RegExp('\n'+TAB_TEXT, 'g'):new RegExp('\n', 'g')),
            tab_sel_contents_replace = (e.shiftKey?'\n':'\n'+TAB_TEXT);
            tab_sel_contents_replaced = (('\n'+tab_sel_contents)
                .replace(tab_sel_contents_find, tab_sel_contents_replace))
            sel_end_new = first_line_start+tab_sel_contents_replaced.length;
        this.setSelectionRange(first_line_start, sel_end);
        insertText(this, tab_sel_contents_replaced);
        this.setSelectionRange(first_line_start, sel_end_new);

In short, tabs are inserted at the beginning of the selected lines.

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/iausallc/5Lnabspr/11/

Gist: https://gist.github.com/iautomation/e53647be326cb7d7112d

Example usage: $('textarea').enableTabs('\t')

Cons: Only works on Chrome as is.

As an option to kasdega's code above, instead of appending the tab to the current value, you can instead insert characters at the current cursor point. This has the benefit of:

  • allows you to insert 4 spaces as an alternative to tab
  • undo and redo will work with the inserted characters (it won't with the OP)

so replace

    // set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
    $(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, start)
                + "\t"
                + $(this).val().substring(end));


    // set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
    document.execCommand("insertText", false, '    ');

if (e.which == 9) {
    var start = $(this).get(0).selectionStart;
    var end = $(this).get(0).selectionEnd;

    if (start === end) {
        $(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, start)
                    + "\t"
                    + $(this).val().substring(end));
        $(this).get(0).selectionStart =
        $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = start + 1;
    } else {
        var sel = $(this).val().substring(start, end),
            find = /\n/g,
            count = sel.match(find) ? sel.match(find).length : 0;
        $(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, start)
                    + "\t"
                    + sel.replace(find, "\n\t")
                    + $(this).val().substring(end, $(this).val().length));
        $(this).get(0).selectionStart =
        $(this).get(0).selectionEnd = end+count+1;

I see this subject is not solved. I coded this and it's working very well. It insert a tabulation at the cursor index. Without using jquery

<textarea id="myArea"></textarea>
        var cIndex=this.selectionStart;
        this.value=[this.value.slice(0,cIndex),//Slice at cursor index
            "\t",                              //Add Tab
            this.value.slice(cIndex)].join('');//Join with the end
        event.preventDefault();                //Don't quit the area
        this.selectionEnd=cIndex+1;            //Keep the cursor in the right index

As others have written, you can use JavaScript to capture the event, prevent the default action (so that the cursor does not shift focus) and insert a tab character.

But, disabling the default behavior makes it impossible to move the focus out of the text area without using a mouse. Blind users interact with web pages using the keyboard and nothing else -- they can't see the mouse pointer to do anything useful with it, so it's keyboard or nothing. The tab key is the primary way to navigate the document, and especially forms. Overriding the default behavior of the tab key will make it impossible for blind users to move the focus to the next form element.

So, if you're writing a web site for a broad audience, I'd recommend against doing this without a compelling reason, and provide some kind of alternative for blind users that doesn't trap them in the textarea.

Every input an textarea element has a onkeydown event. In the event handler you can prevent the default reaction of the tab key by using event.preventDefault() whenever event.keyCode is 9.

Then put a tab sign in the right position:

function allowTab(input)
    input.addEventListener("keydown", function(event)
        if(event.keyCode == 9)

            var input = event.target;

            var str = input.value;
            var _selectionStart = input.selectionStart;
            var _selectionEnd = input.selectionEnd;

            str = str.substring(0, _selectionStart) + "\t" + str.substring(_selectionEnd, str.length);

            input.value = str;
            input.selectionStart = _selectionStart;
            input.selectionEnd = _selectionStart;

window.addEventListener("load", function(event)



$("textarea").keydown(function(event) {
        var cIndex=this.selectionStart;
        this.value=[this.value.slice(0,cIndex),//Slice at cursor index
            "\t",                              //Add Tab
            this.value.slice(cIndex)].join('');//Join with the end
        event.preventDefault();                //Don't quit the area
        this.selectionEnd=cIndex+1;            //Keep the cursor in the right index