[r] unique() for more than one variable

I have the following data frame in R:

> str(df)
'data.frame':   545227 obs. of  15 variables:
 $ ykod : int  93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 ...
 $ yad  : Factor w/ 42 levels "BAKUGAN","BARBIE",..: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ...
 $ per  : Factor w/ 3 levels "2 AYLIK","3 AYLIK",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ donem: int  201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 ...
 $ sayi : int  201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 201101 ...
 $ mkod : int  4 5 9 11 12 18 20 22 25 26 ...
 $ mad  : Factor w/ 10464 levels "   Defne Market          ",..: 405 8075 9710 10145 9297 7973 2542 3892 2759 5769 ...
 $ mtip : Factor w/ 29 levels "Abone Bürosu                                      ",..: 2 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ kanal: Factor w/ 2 levels "OB","SS": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ bkod : int  110565 110565 110565 110565 110565 110565 110565 110565 110565 110565 ...
 $ bad  : Factor w/ 212 levels "4. Levent","500 Evler",..: 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 ...
 $ bolge: Factor w/ 12 levels "Adana Sehiriçi",..: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ...
 $ sevk : int  2 3 3 3 2 2 2 6 2 2 ...
 $ iade : int  2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 ...
 $ satis: int  0 2 3 1 2 0 1 6 2 0 ...

I want to list unique (like SQL's DISTINCT) values for selected multiple variables. For example, unique(yad) gives me the names of each 42 elements, but I need to extract two columns (yad and per together, with all unique combinations):

yad           per
---           ---
...           ...

How can I achieve this?

This question is related to r unique

The answer is

This dplyr method works nicely when piping.

For selected columns:

iris %>% 
  select(Sepal.Width, Species) %>% 
  t %>% c %>% unique

 [1] "3.5"        "setosa"     "3.0"        "3.2"        "3.1"       
 [6] "3.6"        "3.9"        "3.4"        "2.9"        "3.7"       
[11] "4.0"        "4.4"        "3.8"        "3.3"        "4.1"       
[16] "4.2"        "2.3"        "versicolor" "2.8"        "2.4"       
[21] "2.7"        "2.0"        "2.2"        "2.5"        "2.6"       
[26] "virginica" 

Or for the whole dataframe:

iris %>% t %>% c %>% unique 

 [1] "5.1"        "3.5"        "1.4"        "0.2"        "setosa"     "4.9"       
 [7] "3.0"        "4.7"        "3.2"        "1.3"        "4.6"        "3.1"       
[13] "1.5"        "5.0"        "3.6"        "5.4"        "3.9"        "1.7"       
[19] "0.4"        "3.4"        "0.3"        "4.4"        "2.9"        "0.1"       
[25] "3.7"        "4.8"        "1.6"        "4.3"        "1.1"        "5.8"       
[31] "4.0"        "1.2"        "5.7"        "3.8"        "1.0"        "3.3"       
[37] "0.5"        "1.9"        "5.2"        "4.1"        "5.5"        "4.2"       
[43] "4.5"        "2.3"        "0.6"        "5.3"        "7.0"        "versicolor"
[49] "6.4"        "6.9"        "6.5"        "2.8"        "6.3"        "2.4"       
[55] "6.6"        "2.7"        "2.0"        "5.9"        "6.0"        "2.2"       
[61] "6.1"        "5.6"        "6.7"        "6.2"        "2.5"        "1.8"       
[67] "6.8"        "2.6"        "virginica"  "7.1"        "2.1"        "7.6"       
[73] "7.3"        "7.2"        "7.7"        "7.4"        "7.9" 

This is an addition to Josh's answer.

You can also keep the values of other variables while filtering out duplicated rows in data.table



#create data table
dt <- data.table(
  V4=c(2) )

> dt
# V1 V2 V3 V4
# A  B  1  2
# A  C  1  2
# A  D  1  2
# A  B  1  2
# B  A  1  2
# C  D  1  2
# C  D  1  2
# E  F  1  2
# G  G  1  2
# A  B  1  2

# set the key to all columns

# Get Unique lines in the data table
unique( dt[list(V1, V2), nomatch = 0] ) 

# V1 V2 V3 V4
# A  B  1  2
# A  C  1  2
# A  D  1  2
# B  A  1  2
# C  D  1  2
# E  F  1  2
# G  G  1  2

Alert: If there are different combinations of values in the other variables, then your result will be

unique combination of V1 and V2

There are a few ways to get all unique combinations of a set of factors.

with(df, interaction(yad, per, drop=TRUE))   # gives labels
with(df, yad:per)                            # ditto

aggregate(numeric(nrow(df)), df[c("yad", "per")], length)    # gives a data frame