[intellij-idea] How to correct indentation in IntelliJ

How can indentation be automatically (not manually) corrected in IntelliJ?

In Eclipse, it's possible to just highlight the code that needs indenting, right-click, and select Source > Correct indentation.

Is there any method for doing the same thing in IntelliJ?

This question is related to intellij-idea indentation

The answer is

Code ? Reformat Code... (default Ctrl + Alt + L) for the whole file or Code ? Auto-Indent Lines (default Ctrl + Alt + I) for the current line or selection.

You can customise the settings for how code is auto-formatted under File ? Settings ? Editor ? Code Style.

To ensure comments are also indented to the same level as the code, you can simply do as follows:

UI screenshot (example for JavaScript)

Just select the code and

  • on Windows do Ctrl + Alt + L

  • on Linux do Ctrl + Windows Key + Alt + L

  • on Mac do CMD + Option + L

Ctrl + Alt + L works with Android Studio under xfce4 on Linux. I see that Gnome used to use this shortcut for lock screen, but in Gnome 3 it was changed to Super+L (AKA Windows+L): https://wiki.gnome.org/Design/OS/KeyboardShortcuts

You can also try out ctrl + alt + I even though you can also use l as well.

Solution of unchecking comment at first column is partially working, because it works for line comments, but not block comments.

So, with lines like:

/* first line
 * second line
 * ...


// line 1
// line 2
// line 3

they are indented with "Auto reformat", but lines like:

/* first line
   second line

the identation will not be fixed.

So you should:

  • add * or // before each line of comments
  • then uncheck Keep when reformatting -> comment at first column
  • and Auto reformat.

In Android Studio this works: Go to File->Settings->Editor->CodeStyle->Java. Under Wrapping and Braces uncheck "Comment at first Column" Then formatting shortcut will indent the comment lines as well.

Select Java editor settings for Intellij Settings Select values for Tabsize, Indent & Continuation Intent (I choose 4,4 & 4)

Then Ctrl + Alt + L to format your file (or your selection).