(for fellow googlers)
If you are building a serious pipeline with the Build Flow Plugin, you can pass parameters between jobs with the DSL like this :
Supposing an available string parameter "CVS_TAG", in order to pass it to other jobs :
build("pipeline_begin", CVS_TAG: params['CVS_TAG'])
parallel (
// will be scheduled in parallel.
{ build("pipeline_static_analysis", CVS_TAG: params['CVS_TAG']) },
{ build("pipeline_nonreg", CVS_TAG: params['CVS_TAG']) }
// will be triggered after previous jobs complete
build("pipeline_end", CVS_TAG: params['CVS_TAG'])
Hint for displaying available variables / params :
// output values
out.println '------------------------------------'
out.println 'Triggered Parameters Map:'
out.println params
out.println '------------------------------------'
out.println 'Build Object Properties:'
build.properties.each { out.println "$it.key -> $it.value" }
out.println '------------------------------------'