[python] In practice, what are the main uses for the new "yield from" syntax in Python 3.3?

This code defines a function fixed_sum_digits returning a generator enumerating all six digits numbers such that the sum of digits is 20.

def iter_fun(sum, deepness, myString, Total):
    if deepness == 0:
        if sum == Total:
            yield myString
        for i in range(min(10, Total - sum + 1)):
            yield from iter_fun(sum + i,deepness - 1,myString + str(i),Total)

def fixed_sum_digits(digits, Tot):
    return iter_fun(0,digits,"",Tot) 

Try to write it without yield from. If you find an effective way to do it let me know.

I think that for cases like this one: visiting trees, yield from makes the code simpler and cleaner.