[android] android asynctask sending callbacks to ui

I will repeat what the others said, but will just try to make it simpler...

First, just create the Interface class

public interface PostTaskListener<K> {
    // K is the type of the result object of the async task 
    void onPostTask(K result);

Second, create the AsyncTask (which can be an inner static class of your activity or fragment) that uses the Interface, by including a concrete class. In the example, the PostTaskListener is parameterized with String, which means it expects a String class as a result of the async task.

public static class LoadData extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> {

    private PostTaskListener<String> postTaskListener;

    protected LoadData(PostTaskListener<String> postTaskListener){
        this.postTaskListener = postTaskListener;

    protected void onPostExecute(String result) {

        if (result != null && postTaskListener != null)

Finally, the part where your combine your logic. In your activity / fragment, create the PostTaskListener and pass it to the async task. Here is an example:

PostTaskListener<String> postTaskListener = new PostTaskListener<String>() {
    public void onPostTask(String result) {
        //Your post execution task code

// Create the async task and pass it the post task listener.
new LoadData(postTaskListener);
