[javascript] Rendering an array.map() in React

I am having a problem where I am trying to use array of data to render a <ul> element. In the code below the console.log's are working fine, but the list items aren't appearing.

var Main = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function(){
    return {
      data: dataRecent

  render: function(){
    return (
           this.state.data.map(function(item, i){

ReactDOM.render(<Main />, document.getElementById('app')); 

What am I doing wrong? Please feel free to point out anything that isn't best practice.

This question is related to javascript reactjs

The answer is

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Result extends Component {

    render() {


            var foodlist = this.props.resultsfood.items.map(name=>{

                   return (

                   <div className="row" key={name.id} >

                  <div className="list-group">   

                  <a href="#" className="list-group-item list-group-item-action disabled">

                  <span className="badge badge-info"><h6> {name.item}</h6></span>
                  <span className="badge badge-danger"><h6> Rs.{name.price}/=</h6></span>

                  <a href="#" className="list-group-item list-group-item-action disabled">
                  <div className="alert alert-dismissible alert-secondary">

                <div className="form-group">

                    <label className="col-form-label col-form-label-sm" htmlFor="inputSmall">Quantitiy</label>
                    <input className="form-control form-control-sm" placeholder="unit/kg"  type="text" ref="qty"/>
                    <div> <button type="button" className="btn btn-success"  
                    }>ADD Cart</button>







        return (

export default Result;

You are implicitly returning undefined. You need to return the element.

this.state.data.map(function(item, i){
  return <li>Test</li>

Add up to Dmitry's answer, if you don't want to handle unique key IDs manually, you can use React.Children.toArray as proposed in the React documentation


Returns the children opaque data structure as a flat array with keys assigned to each child. Useful if you want to manipulate collections of children in your render methods, especially if you want to reorder or slice this.props.children before passing it down.


React.Children.toArray() changes keys to preserve the semantics of nested arrays when flattening lists of children. That is, toArray prefixes each key in the returned array so that each element’s key is scoped to the input array containing it.

          this.state.data.map((item, i) => <li>Test</li>)

let durationBody = duration.map((item, i) => {
      return (
        <option key={i} value={item}>

I've come cross an issue with the implementation of this solution.

If you have a custom component you want to iterate through and you want to share the state it will not be available as the .map() scope does not recognize the general state() scope. I've come to this solution:


class RootComponent extends Component() {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {thisWorks: false}
        this.that = this;
    componentDidMount() {
    render() {
       let array = this.thatstate.map(() => { 
           <CustomComponent that={this.that} customFunction={this.customFunction}/>

    customFunction() {
        this.that.setState({thisWorks: true})

class CustomComponent extend Component {

    render() {
        return <Button onClick={() => {this.props.customFunction()}}

In constructor bind without this.that Every use of any function/method inside the root component should be used with this.that

You are not returning. Change to

this.state.data.map(function(item, i){
  return <li>Test</li>;

Dmitry Brin's answer worked for me, with one caveat. In my case, I needed to run a function between the list tags, which requires nested JSX braces. Example JSX below, which worked for me:

{this.props.data().map(function (object, i) { return <li>{JSON.stringify(object)}</li> })}

If you don't use nested JSX braces, for example:

{this.props.data().map(function (object, i) { return <li>JSON.stringify(object)</li>})}

then you get a list of "JSON.stringify(object)" in your HTML output, which probably isn't what you want.

Using Stateless Functional Component We will not be using this.state. Like this

               { return
                <tr key={key}>