I think in the question and in some of the answers there is a bit of confusion about the meaning of this pseudocode in DOS: IF A IF B X ELSE Y. It does not mean IF(A and B) THEN X ELSE Y, but in fact means IF A( IF B THEN X ELSE Y). If the test of A fails, then he whole of the inner if-else will be ignored.
As one of the answers mentioned, in this case only one of the tests can succeed so the 'else' is not needed, but of course that only works in this example, it isn't a general solution for doing if-else.
There are lots of ways around this. Here is a few ideas, all are quite ugly but hey, this is (or at least was) DOS!
@echo off
set one=1
set two=2
REM Example 1
IF %one%_%two%==1_1 (
echo Example 1 fails
) ELSE IF %one%_%two%==1_2 (
echo Example 1 works correctly
) ELSE (
echo Example 1 fails
REM Example 2
set test1result=0
set test2result=0
if %one%==1 if %two%==1 set test1result=1
if %one%==1 if %two%==2 set test2result=1
IF %test1result%==1 (
echo Example 2 fails
) ELSE IF %test2result%==1 (
echo Example 2 works correctly
) ELSE (
echo Example 2 fails
REM Example 3
if %one%==1 if %two%==1 (
echo Example 3 fails
goto :endoftests
if %one%==1 if %two%==2 (
echo Example 3 works correctly
goto :endoftests
echo Example 3 fails