[file] VS 2012: Scroll Solution Explorer to current file

There are many ways to do this:

Go to current File once:

  • Visual Studio 2013

    VS 13 has it's own shortcut to do this: Ctrl+\, S (Press Ctrl + \, Release both keys, Press the S key)

    You can edit this default shortcut, if you are searching for SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument in your Keyboard Settings (Tools->Options->Enviornment->Keyboard)

    In addition there is also a new icon in the Solution Explorer, more about this here.

    Sync with Active Document Button in VS2013 - Solution Explorer

  • Visual Studio 2012

    If you use VS 2012, there is a great plugin to add this new functionality from VS2013 to VS2012: . The default shortcut is strg + alt + ü. I think this one is the best, as navigating to the solution explorer is mapped to strg + ü.

  • Resharper

    If you use Resharper try Shift+Alt+L

    This is a nice mapping as you can use Strg+Alt+L for navigating to the solution explorer

Track current file all the time:

  • Visual Studio >= 2012:

    If you like to track your current file in the solution explorer all the time, you can use the solution from the accepted answer (Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Track Active Item in Solution Explorer), but I think this can get very annoying in large projects.