[java] java.util.NoSuchElementException - Scanner reading user input

I'm new to using Java, but I have some previous experience with C#. The issue I'm having comes with reading user input from console.

I'm running into the "java.util.NoSuchElementException" error with this portion of code:

payment = sc.next(); // PromptCustomerPayment function

I have two functions that get user input:

  • PromptCustomerQty
  • PromptCustomerPayment

If I don't call PromptCustomerQty then I don't get this error, which leads me to believe I am doing something wrong with scanner. Below is my full code sample. I appreciate any help.

public static void main (String[] args) {   

    // Create a customer
    // Future proofing the possabiltiies of multiple customers
    Customer customer = new Customer("Will");

    // Create object for each Product
    // (Name,Code,Description,Price)
    // Initalize Qty at 0
    Product Computer = new Product("Computer","PC1003","Basic Computer",399.99); 
    Product Monitor = new Product("Monitor","MN1003","LCD Monitor",99.99);
    Product Printer = new Product("Printer","PR1003x","Inkjet Printer",54.23);

    // Define internal variables 
    // ## DONT CHANGE 
    ArrayList<Product> ProductList = new ArrayList<Product>(); // List to store Products
    String formatString = "%-15s %-10s %-20s %-10s %-10s %n"; // Default format for output

    // Add objects to list

    // Ask users for quantities 
    PromptCustomerQty(customer, ProductList);

    // Ask user for payment method

    // Create the header
    PrintHeader(customer, formatString);

    // Create Body
    PrintBody(ProductList, formatString);   

public static void PromptCustomerQty(Customer customer, ArrayList<Product> ProductList) {
    // Initiate a Scanner
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

    // **** VARIABLES ****
    int qty = 0;

    // Greet Customer
    System.out.println("Hello " + customer.getName());

    // Loop through each item and ask for qty desired
    for (Product p : ProductList) {

        do {
        // Ask user for qty
        System.out.println("How many would you like for product: " + p.name);
        System.out.print("> ");

        // Get input and set qty for the object
        qty = scan.nextInt();

        while (qty < 0); // Validation

        p.setQty(qty); // Set qty for object
        qty = 0; // Reset count

    // Cleanup

public static void PromptCustomerPayment (Customer customer) {
    // Initiate Scanner 
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

    // Variables
    String payment = "";

    // Prompt User
    do {
    System.out.println("Would you like to pay in full? [Yes/No]");
    System.out.print("> ");

    payment = sc.next();

    } while ((!payment.toLowerCase().equals("yes")) && (!payment.toLowerCase().equals("no")));

    // Check/set result
    if (payment.toLowerCase() == "yes") {
    else {

    // Cleanup

This question is related to java input java.util.scanner

The answer is

The problem is

When a Scanner is closed, it will close its input source if the source implements the Closeable interface.


Thus scan.close() closes System.in.

To fix it you can make

Scanner scan static and do not close it in PromptCustomerQty. Code below works.

public static void main (String[] args) {   

// Create a customer
// Future proofing the possabiltiies of multiple customers
Customer customer = new Customer("Will");

// Create object for each Product
// (Name,Code,Description,Price)
// Initalize Qty at 0
Product Computer = new Product("Computer","PC1003","Basic Computer",399.99); 
Product Monitor = new Product("Monitor","MN1003","LCD Monitor",99.99);
Product Printer = new Product("Printer","PR1003x","Inkjet Printer",54.23);

// Define internal variables 
ArrayList<Product> ProductList = new ArrayList<Product>(); // List to store Products
String formatString = "%-15s %-10s %-20s %-10s %-10s %n"; // Default format for output

// Add objects to list

// Ask users for quantities 
PromptCustomerQty(customer, ProductList);

// Ask user for payment method

// Create the header
PrintHeader(customer, formatString);

// Create Body
PrintBody(ProductList, formatString);   

static Scanner scan;

public static void PromptCustomerQty(Customer customer, ArrayList<Product> ProductList)               {
// Initiate a Scanner
scan = new Scanner(System.in);

// **** VARIABLES ****
int qty = 0;

// Greet Customer
System.out.println("Hello " + customer.getName());

// Loop through each item and ask for qty desired
for (Product p : ProductList) {

    do {
    // Ask user for qty
    System.out.println("How many would you like for product: " + p.name);
    System.out.print("> ");

    // Get input and set qty for the object
    qty = scan.nextInt();

    while (qty < 0); // Validation

    p.setQty(qty); // Set qty for object
    qty = 0; // Reset count

// Cleanup


public static void PromptCustomerPayment (Customer customer) {
// Variables
String payment = "";

// Prompt User
do {
System.out.println("Would you like to pay in full? [Yes/No]");
System.out.print("> ");

payment = scan.next();

} while ((!payment.toLowerCase().equals("yes")) && (!payment.toLowerCase().equals("no")));

// Check/set result
if (payment.toLowerCase() == "yes") {
else {

On a side note, you shouldn't use == for String comparision, use .equals instead.

You need to remove the scanner closing lines: scan.close();

It happened to me before and that was the reason.

the reason of the exception has been explained already, however the suggested solution isn't really the best.

You should create a class that keeps a Scanner as private using Singleton Pattern, that makes that scanner unique on your code.

Then you can implement the methods you need or you can create a getScanner ( not recommended ) and you can control it with a private boolean, something like alreadyClosed.

If you are not aware how to use Singleton Pattern, here's a example:

public class Reader {
    private Scanner reader;
    private static Reader singleton = null;
    private boolean alreadyClosed;
    private Reader() {
        alreadyClosed = false;
        reader = new Scanner(System.in);
    public static Reader getInstance() {
        if(singleton == null) {
            singleton = new Reader();
        return singleton;
    public int nextInt() throws AlreadyClosedException {
        if(!alreadyClosed) {
            return reader.nextInt();
        throw new AlreadyClosedException(); //Custom exception
    public double nextDouble() throws AlreadyClosedException {
        if(!alreadyClosed) {
            return reader.nextDouble();
        throw new AlreadyClosedException();
    public String nextLine() throws AlreadyClosedException {
        if(!alreadyClosed) {
            return reader.nextLine();
        throw new AlreadyClosedException();
    public void close() {
        alreadyClosed = true;

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