[oracle] How to create a DB link between two oracle instances

How to create a DB link between two Oracle instances. Let's say A and B are two instances. I want to access the data in instance B from the instance A.

This question is related to oracle dblink

The answer is

as a simple example:

  CONNECT TO _username_
    IDENTIFIED BY _passwd_

for more info: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/statements_5005.htm

Create database link NAME connect to USERNAME identified by PASSWORD using 'SID';

Specify SHARED to use a single network connection to create a public database link that can be shared among multiple users. If you specify SHARED, you must also specify the dblink_authentication clause.

Specify PUBLIC to create a public database link available to all users. If you omit this clause, the database link is private and is available only to you.

If you want to access the data in instance B from the instance A. Then this is the query, you can edit your respective credential.

CREATE DATABASE LINK dblink_passport
CONNECT TO xxusernamexx IDENTIFIED BY xxpasswordxx
(HOST=xxipaddrxx / xxhostxx )

After executing this query access table

SELECT * FROM tablename@dblink_passport;

You can perform any operation DML, DDL, DQL

After creating the DB link, if the two instances are present in two different databases, then you need to setup a TNS entry on the A machine so that it resolve B. check out here

Creation of DB Link

CONNECT TO $usename
USING '$sid';

(Note: sid is being passed between single quotes above. )

Example Queries for above DB Link

select * from tableA@dblinkname;

insert into tableA(select * from tableA@dblinkname);