[java] How to do if-else in Thymeleaf?

What's the best way to do a simple if-else in Thymeleaf?

I want to achieve in Thymeleaf the same effect as

  <c:when test="${potentially_complex_expression}">
     <span class="xxx">Something else</span>

in JSTL.

What I've figured so far:

<div th:with="condition=${potentially_complex_expression}" th:remove="tag">
    <h2 th:if="${condition}">Hello!</h2>
    <span th:unless="${condition}" class="xxx">Something else</span>

I don't want to evaluate potentially_complex_expression twice. That's why I introduced local variable condition. Still I don't like using both th:if="${condition} and th:unless="${condition}".

An important thing is that I use two different HTML tags: let's say h2 and span.

Can you suggest a better way to achieve it?

This question is related to java jsp if-statement jstl thymeleaf

The answer is

<div th:switch="${user.role}"> 
<p th:case="'admin'">User is an administrator</p>
<p th:case="#{roles.manager}">User is a manager</p>
<p th:case="*">User is some other thing</p> 

<div th:with="condition=${potentially_complex_expression}" th:remove="tag">
<h2 th:if="${condition}">Hello!</h2>
<span th:unless="${condition}" class="xxx">Something else</span>

I'd like to share my example related to security in addition to Daniel Fernández.

<div th:switch="${#authentication}? ${#authorization.expression('isAuthenticated()')} : ${false}">
    <span th:case="${false}">User is not logged in</span>
    <span th:case="${true}">Logged in user</span>
    <span th:case="*">Should never happen, but who knows...</span>

Here is complex expression with mixed 'authentication' and 'authorization' utility objects which produces 'true/false' result for thymeleaf template code.

The 'authentication' and 'authorization' utility objects came from thymeleaf extras springsecurity3 library. When 'authentication' object is not available OR authorization.expression('isAuthenticated()') evaluates to 'false', expression returns ${false}, otherwise ${true}.

You can use

If-then-else:  (if) ? (then) : (else)


'User is of type ' + (${user.isAdmin()} ? 'Administrator' : (${user.type} ?: 'Unknown'))

It could be useful for the new people asking the same question.

Another solution is just using not to get the opposite negation:

<h2 th:if="${potentially_complex_expression}">Hello!</h2>
<span class="xxx" th:if="${not potentially_complex_expression}">Something else</span>

As explained in the documentation, it's the same thing as using th:unless. As other answers have explained:

Also, th:if has an inverse attribute, th:unless, which we could have used in the previous example instead of using a not inside the OGNL expression

Using not also works, but IMHO it is more readable to use th:unless instead of negating the condition with not.

<div style="width:100%">
<span th:each="i : ${#numbers.sequence(1, 3)}">
<span th:if="${i == curpage}">
<a href="/listEmployee/${i}" class="btn btn-success custom-width" th:text="${i}"></a
<span th:unless="${i == curpage}">
<a href="/listEmployee/${i}" class="btn btn-danger custom-width" th:text="${i}"></a> 

enter image description here

I tried this code to find out if a customer is logged in or anonymous. I did using the th:if and th:unless conditional expressions. Pretty simple way to do it.

<div th:if="${customer.anonymous}">
   <div>Welcome, Guest</div>
<!-- ELSE -->
<div th:unless="${customer.anonymous}">
   <div th:text=" 'Hi,' + ${customer.name}">Hi, User</div>

Use th:switch as an if-else

<span th:switch="${isThisTrue}">
  <i th:case="true" class="fas fa-check green-text"></i>
  <i th:case="false" class="fas fa-times red-text"></i>

Use th:switch as a switch

<span th:switch="${fruit}">
  <i th:case="Apple" class="fas fa-check red-text"></i>
  <i th:case="Orange" class="fas fa-times orange-text"></i>
  <i th:case="*" class="fas fa-times yellow-text"></i>

This work for me when I wanted to show a photo depending on the gender of the user:

<img th:src="${generou}=='Femenino' ? @{/images/user_mujer.jpg}: @{/images/user.jpg}" alt="AdminLTE Logo" class="brand-image img-circle elevation-3">

Another solution - you can use local variable:

<div th:with="expr_result = ${potentially_complex_expression}">
    <div th:if="${expr_result}">
    <div th:unless="${expr_result}">
        <span class="xxx">Something else</span>

More about local variables:

In simpler case (when html tags is the same):

<h2 th:text="${potentially_complex_expression} ? 'Hello' : 'Something else'">/h2>

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