I noticed that Eemuli said that you can't change the log level after they are created - and while that might be the design, it isn't entirely true.
I ran into a situation where I was using a library that logged to slf4j - and I was using the library while writing a maven mojo plugin.
Maven uses a (hacked) version of the slf4j SimpleLogger, and I was unable to get my plugin code to reroute its logging to something like log4j, which I could control.
And I can't change the maven logging config.
So, to quiet down some noisy info messages, I found I could use reflection like this, to futz with the SimpleLogger at runtime.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger;
Logger l = LoggerFactory.getLogger("full.classname.of.noisy.logger"); //This is actually a MavenSimpleLogger, but due to various classloader issues, can't work with the directly.
Field f = l.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField("currentLogLevel");
f.set(l, LocationAwareLogger.WARN_INT);
catch (Exception e)
getLog().warn("Failed to reset the log level of " + loggerName + ", it will continue being noisy.", e);
Of course, note, this isn't a very stable / reliable solution... as it will break the next time the maven folks change their logger.