As a JavaScript MV* beginner and purely focusing on the application architecture (not the server/client-side matters), I would certainly recommend the following resource (which I am surprised wasn't mentioned yet): JavaScript Design Patterns, by Addy Osmani, as an introduction to different JavaScript Design Patterns. The terms used in this answer are taken from the linked document above. I'm not going to repeat what was worded really well in the accepted answer. Instead, this answer links back to the theoretical backgrounds which power AngularJS (and other libraries).
Like me, you will quickly realize that AngularJS (or Ember.js, Durandal, & other MV* frameworks for that matter) is one complex framework assembling many of the different JavaScript design patterns.
I found it easier also, to test (1) native JavaScript code and (2) smaller libraries for each one of these patterns separately before diving into one global framework. This allowed me to better understand which crucial issues a framework adresses (because you are personally faced with the problem).
For example:
NB: This list is not complete, nor 'the best libraries'; they just happen to be the libraries I used. These libraries also include more patterns, the ones mentioned are just their main focuses or original intents. If you feel something is missing from this list, please do mention it in the comments, and I will be glad to add it.