[jquery] How to pass data in the ajax DELETE request other than headers

Below is my Ajax request for a DELETE request:

deleteRequest: function (url, Id, bolDeleteReq, callback, errorCallback) {
        url: urlCall,
        type: 'DELETE',
        headers: {"Id": Id, "bolDeleteReq" : bolDeleteReq},
        success: callback || $.noop,
        error: errorCallback || $.noop

Is there any alternative way to pass the data other than in the headers?

This question is related to jquery ajax

The answer is

I was able to successfully pass through the data attribute in the ajax method. Here is my code

     url: "/api/Gigs/Cancel",
     type: "DELETE",
     data: {
             "GigId": link.attr('data-gig-id')


The link.attr method simply returned the value of 'data-gig-id' .

deleteRequest: function (url, Id, bolDeleteReq, callback, errorCallback) {
        url: urlCall,
        type: 'DELETE',
        data: {"Id": Id, "bolDeleteReq" : bolDeleteReq},
        success: callback || $.noop,
        error: errorCallback || $.noop

Note: the use of headers was introduced in JQuery 1.5.:

A map of additional header key/value pairs to send along with the request. This setting is set before the beforeSend function is called; therefore, any values in the headers setting can be overwritten from within the beforeSend function.