[symfony] symfony2 twig path with parameter url creation

In Twig:

{% for l in locations %}

        <input type="checkbox" class="filled-in" id="filled-in-box-{{ l.idLocation }}" />
        <label for="filled-in-box-{{ l.idLocation }}"></label>
    <td>{{ l.loc }}</td>
    <td>{{ l.mun }}</td>
    <td>{{ l.pro }}</td>
    <td>{{ l.cou }}</td>
        {% if l.active == 1  %}
            <span class="fa fa-check"></span>
        {% else %}
            <span class="fa fa-close"></span>
        {% endif %}
    <td><a href="{{ url('admin_edit_location',{'id': l.idLocation}) }}" class="db-list-edit"><span class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></span></a>
</tr>{% endfor %}

The route admin_edit_location:

  path: /edit_location/{id}
  defaults: { _controller: "AppBundle:Admin:editLocation" }
  methods: GET

And the controller

public function editLocationAction($id){
    // use $id 

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
    $location = $em->getRepository('BackendBundle:locations')->findOneBy(array(
    'id'    => $id