[git] Git: How to remove remote origin from Git repo

I just did git init to initialize my folder as git repo and then added a remote repository using git remote add origin url. Now I want to remove this git remote add origin and add a new repository git remote add origin new-url. How can I do it?

This question is related to git git-remote

The answer is

You can rename (changing URL of a remote repository) using :

git remote set-url origin new_URL

new_URL can be like https://github.com/abcdefgh/abcd.git

Too permanently delete the remote repository use :

git remote remove origin

perhaps I am late you can use git remote remove origin it will do the job.

I don't have enough reputation to comment answer of @user1615903, so add this as answer: "git remote remove" does not exist, should use "rm" instead of "remove". So the correct way is:

git remote rm origin

To remove a remote:

git remote remove origin

To add a remote:

git remote add origin yourRemoteUrl

and finally

git push -u origin master

Another method

Cancel local git repository

rm -rf .git

Then; Create git repostory again

git init

Then; Repeat the remote repo connect

git remote add origin REPO_URL

first will change push remote url

git remote set-url --push origin https://newurl

second will change fetch remote url

git remote set-url origin https://newurl

You can go to the .git folder, edit the config file without using the commands.

To set a origins remote url-

   git remote set-url origin git://new.url.here

here origin is your push url name. You may have multiple origin. If you have multiple origin replace origin as that name.

For deleting Origin

   git remote rm origin/originName
   git remote remove origin/originName

For adding new origin

   git remote add origin/originName git://new.url.here / RemoteUrl

If you insist on deleting it:

git remote remove origin

Or if you have Git version 1.7.10 or older

git remote rm origin

But kahowell's answer is better.

you can try this out,if you want to remove origin and then add it:

git remote remove origin


git remote add origin http://your_url_here