You can also make it with BufferedReader if you want to validate user input, like this:
class Areas {
public static void main(String args[]){
float PI = 3.1416f;
int r=0;
String rad; //We're going to read all user's text into a String and we try to convert it later
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; //Here you declare your BufferedReader object and instance it.
rad = br.readLine(); //We read from user's input
r = Integer.parseInt(rad); //We validate if "rad" is an integer (if so we skip catch call and continue on the next line, otherwise, we go to it (catch call))
System.out.println("Circle area is: " + PI*r*r + " Perimeter: " +PI*2*r); //If all was right, we print this
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Write an integer number"); //This is what user will see if he/she write other thing that is not an integer
Areas a = new Areas(); //We call this class again, so user can try it again
//You can also print exception in case you want to see it as follows:
// e.printStackTrace();
Because Scanner class won't allow you to do it, or not that easy...
And to validate you use "try-catch" calls.