[android] Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support

Since the Import dialouge is different in Android Studio 1.0.1, I could't get Svyatoslav Lobachs version to work.

Instead I downloaded "Android Support Repository" in the SDK Manager. Then added

dependencies {
compile "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:18.0.+"

to build.gradle. Worked for me.

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Examples related to android-actionbar

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Examples related to android-theme

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Examples related to android-actionbar-compat

Android: remove left margin from actionbar's custom layout Display Back Arrow on Toolbar Change Toolbar color in Appcompat 21 Toolbar navigation icon never set No resource found - Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar getSupportActionBar() The method getSupportActionBar() is undefined for the type TaskActivity. Why? Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support