[angular] ERROR Error: No value accessor for form control with unspecified name attribute on switch

Here is my component in Angular 4:

@Component( {
    selector: 'input-extra-field',
    template: `
            <div class="form-group" [formGroup]="formGroup" >
                <switch [attr.title]="field.etiquette" 
                    [attr.value]="field.valeur" [(ngModel)]="field.valeur"
                    [formControl]="fieldControl" [attr.id]="name" [attr.disabled]="disabled">
                <error-messages [control]="name"></error-messages>
} )

Here is my Class:

export class SwitchExtraField extends ExtraField {
    @Input() field: ExtraFormField;
    @Input() entity: { fields: Object };
    @Input() formGroup: FormGroup;

    constructor( formDir: NgForm ) {
        super( null, null, formDir );

    get disabled(): string {
        if ( this.field && !!this.field.saisissable && !this.field.saisissable )     {
            return 'disabled';
        return null;

This is the error I get when compiling:

ERROR Error: No value accessor for form control with unspecified name attribute
    at _throwError (forms.es5.js:1918)
    at setUpControl (forms.es5.js:1828)
    at FormControlDirective.webpackJsonp.../../../forms/@angular/forms.es5.js.FormControlDirective.ngOnChanges (forms.es5.js:4617)

When I change the element switch to input it works, knowing that I'm using the same structure to other components and it works fine.

This question is related to angular form-control

The answer is

I was getting this error message in my Unit tests with Jasmine. I added ngDefaultControl attribute to the custom element(in my case it was an angular material slide toggle) and this resolves the error.

<mat-slide-toggle formControlName="extraCheese">
  Extra Cheese

Change the above element to include ngDefaultControl atttribute

<mat-slide-toggle ngDefaultControl formControlName="extraCheese">
 Extra Cheese

I also received this error while writing a custom form control component in Angular 7. However, none of the answers are applicable to Angular 7.

In my case, the following needed to be add to the @Component decorator:

  providers: [
      provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
      useExisting: forwardRef(() => MyCustomComponent),  // replace name as appropriate
      multi: true

This is a case of "I don't know why it works, but it does." Chalk it up to poor design/implementation on the part of Angular.

I had the same problem and the issue was that my child component had an @input named formControl.

So I just needed to change from:

<my-component [formControl]="formControl"><my-component/>


<my-component [control]="control"><my-component/>



I was facing this error while running Karma Unit Test cases Adding MatSelectModule in the imports fixes the issue

imports: [

I had the same error, but in my case apparently it was a synchronization issue, at the moment of render the components html.

I followed some of the solutions proposed on this page but any of them worked for me, at least not completely.

What did actually solve my error was to write the below code snippet inside the father html tag of the elements .

I was binding to the variable.



The error was caused, apparently by the project trying to render the page, apparently at the moment of evaluating the variable, the project just could no find its value. With the above code snippet you make sure that before rendering the page you ask if the variable has being initialized.

This is my component.ts code:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { InvitationService } from 'src/app/service/invitation.service';
import { BusinessService } from 'src/app/service/business.service';
import { Invitation } from 'src/app/_models/invitation';
import { forEach } from '@angular/router/src/utils/collection';

  selector: 'app-invitation-details',
  templateUrl: './invitation-details.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./invitation-details.component.scss']
export class InvitationDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
  invitationsList: any;
  currentInvitation: any;
  business: any;
  invitationId: number;
  invitation: Invitation;

  constructor(private InvitationService: InvitationService, private BusinessService: 
BusinessService) { 
this.invitationId = 1; //prueba temporal con invitacion 1

   ngOnInit() {


  getInvitations() {
    this.InvitationService.getAllInvitation().subscribe(result => {
      this.invitationsList = result;
    }, error => {

    this.InvitationService.getInvitationById(invitationId).subscribe(result => {
      this.currentInvitation = result;
     }, error => {

Here is my html markup:

<div class="container-fluid mt--7">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="container col-xl-10 col-lg-8">
      <div class="card card-stats ">
        <div class="card-body container-fluid form-check-inline" 
          <div class="col-4">

I hope this can be helpful.

In my case it was a component.member which was not existing e.g.


Adding it to the class declaration fixed it

this.personId = new FormControl(...)

I also received this error when I named one of my component inputs 'formControl'. Probably it's reserved for something else. If you want to pass FormControl object between components, use it like that:

@Input() control: FormControl;

not like this:

@Input() formControl: FormControl;

Weird - but working :)

This error also occurs if you try to add ngModel to the non-input elements like <option> HTML tags. Make sure you add ngModel only to the <input> tags. In my case, I have added a ngModel to the <ion-select-option> instead of <ion-select>.

in my case, I had a <TEXTAREA> tag from old html while converting to angular. Had to change to <textarea>.

In my case, I had inserted [(ngModel)] on label rather than input. There is also a caveat, I tried running after correctly the above error in the specified line but the error wouldn't go. If there are other places where you have committed the same mistake, it still throws you the same error at the same line

I was facing this issue while running unit tests. To fix I added the MatSlideToggleModule to the imports in my spect.ts file.

Have you tried moving your [(ngModel)] to the div instead of the switch in your HTML? I had the same error appear in my code and it was because I bound the model to a <mat-option> instead of a <mat-select>. Though I am not using form control.

In my case, the error was triggered by duplicating an import of a component in the module.

I also had the same error , angular 7

 <button (click)="Addcity(city.name)" [(ngModel)]="city.name"  class="dropdown-item fontstyle"
     *ngFor="let city of Cities; let i = index">

I just added ngDefaultControl

   <button (click)="Addcity(city.name)" [(ngModel)]="city.name"  ngDefaultControl class="dropdown-item fontstyle"
 *ngFor="let city of Cities; let i = index">

In my case, it's happening in my shared module and I had to add the following into @NgModule:

  imports: [

In my case I forgot to add providers: [INPUT_VALUE_ACCESSOR] to my custom component

I had INPUT_VALUE_ACCESSOR created as:

export const INPUT_VALUE_ACCESSOR = {
  useExisting: forwardRef(() => TextEditorComponent),
  multi: true,

In my case i used directive, but hadn't imported it in my module.ts file. Import fixed it.

I had this same error, I had a input field named control in my custom Form Component but was accidentally passing control in input named formControl. Hope no one faces that issue.

In my case it was as daft as having registered the new component for DI in my app.module.ts declarations but not in exports.


  • NativeScript 6.0

In my case, the error was triggered by changing element tag from to by fault. Inside <TextView an [(ngModel)]="name". was defined.

After removing [(ngModel)]="name" error was gone.

In my case the problem was that i created an @Input variable with the reserved name formControl.

This is kind of stupid, but I got this error message by accidentally using [formControl] instead of [formGroup]. See here:


  selector: 'app-application-purpose',
  template: `
    <div [formControl]="formGroup"> <!-- '[formControl]' IS THE WRONG ATTRIBUTE -->
      <input formControlName="formGroupProperty" />
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
  formGroup: FormGroup

    private formBuilder: FormBuilder
  ) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.formGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
      formGroupProperty: ''


  selector: 'app-application-purpose',
  template: `
    <div [formGroup]="formGroup"> <!-- '[formGroup]' IS THE RIGHT ATTRIBUTE -->
      <input formControlName="formGroupProperty" />
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
  formGroup: FormGroup

    private formBuilder: FormBuilder
  ) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.formGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
      formGroupProperty: ''

I had this same error- I accidentally binded [(ngModel)] to my mat-form-field instead of the input element.